Chapter 33: Soldiers

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"Chloe, you are 10 millimeters! It's go time!"

Samantha's stern voice did nothing to convince me to change my mind about the decision I made an hour ago. I was not going to have this baby without my husband present. I can't and I won't. I was in pain and the urge to push was strong but I was resilient and so was my baby.

"Chloe, listen to Samantha, please," my mother pleaded, her face stained with tears, "You can hurt the baby or yourself if you refuse to push."

I shook my head, my own tears running down my cheeks as I held onto the iron bedframe writhing with pain.  "No," I wailed, "No I can't do it without him, mom."

Lydia who was seated next to me, grabbed onto my hand. I peered into her crystal blue eyes—the same ones as my husband's—as they pleaded with me silently. A sob bubbled out of me; those eyes were on the wrong person. As much as I wanted him to be here, he wouldn't make it in time, would he? Lydia knew, and that is why she took my hand. Why did this have to happen now? Here, in this dank, underground bunker.

"Come on, Chloe. I know you want him to be here but he isn't right now," she started in a motherly tone, "But we're here and if it helps, I'll hold your hand through it."

My lips trembled and I let out a wail, grabbing onto our joined hands with my other one.

"This isn't fair, Lydia," I cried, "I can't take this moment away from him."

My mother-in-law smiled sullenly and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to my forehead, much like what my husband would do whenever I was in distress.

"I know, sweetheart," she mumbled, "But do you think Chris would want you to do this? He'd want to return to his wife and his children alive and well. If you don't have this baby now, the both of you could die. Do you want that?"

I whimpered, shaking my head as the urge to push passed through the pain once again. My heart sunk into a dark pit as I realized I had no choice. I had to do this, with or without him.

I turned my teary eyes toward the concerned nurse and hesitantly nodded, giving her the okay to proceed. Relief immediately washed over her features and she came to the edge of the bed, helping me position my legs in the proper position. My underwear was then removed and I squeezed Lydia's hand.

"Alright Chloe, push."

I followed the nurse's instructions, crying as I felt the baby move slightly.

"I'm sorry, Chris," I whimpered, "I love you. I'm sorry."

My mother-in-law patted the top of my head, soothing me as Samantha gave me the instruction again. I pushed again, this time, there was no movement.

"What's happening?" I asked through my tears.

"All I need you to worry about is pushing Chloe," Samantha grunted, "Again, push!"



My head flailed around wildly, searching for the source of his voice. Suddenly a huge warm hand replaced Lydia's wrinkly ones around mine. My neck swiftly turned, my eyes finally locking on concerned crystal blue ones.

His other hand palmed my cheek as a happy laugh bubbled up from my chest, joining my tears.

"Baby," he whispered.

"You're here," I smiled, "I was so scared I had to—"

I let out a scream as a sharp pain wracked through my body. I pushed, my eyes closed tightly as I felt something slide out of me.

Samantha let out a breath, "You're doing great, Chloe. The head is out! One more push and you'll be done."

"That's it, baby," Christian soothed, "You can do this."

"You can fucking do this bitch!" another voice screeched.

Turning my head to the other side, I caught Rachel, glaring at me with conviction.

"You've been through worse baby," she continued, "You can fucking do this. You know you can!"

I giggled, my chest feeling lighter as my eyes went back and forth between the siblings. They made it. Happy tears tumbled down my cheeks as I let out a scream, giving one last push with my best friend and my husband by my side. A loud, nasally wail followed and Samantha straightened up holding a bloody, little body, the umbilical cord still attached.

Her bright, brown eyes met mine as she smiled at me.

"It's a boy," she announced.

I sobbed happily, throwing my head back against the pillow behind me. I glanced at my husband, his eyes were wide as he stared at the baby in the nurse's arms. Samantha walked around the bed, Christian following our baby until he was placed on my chest. He instantly stopped crying, his little head moving against my chest before his ear stopped right above my heart.

"You did it, baby," Christian whispered beside me.

I met his eyes for a fraction of a second before I felt a sharp pain in the pit of my stomach. My eyes shut as I let out a cry. My hands, came up, gently holding my baby to my chest as I propped myself up again.

"Holy fuck!" I heard Rachel scream, "Is that another head?"

"What!" Christian and I yelled in synch.

My eyes flew open, just in time to see Rachel bent over me, an urgent look on her face. She quickly cut the umbilical cord connected to my son and taped the piece still attached to his navel before gently taking him out of my hands. She went over to Lydia and placed him in her arms.

"I'll get him cleaned up," she said calmly rushing away from the room.

I was writhing in pain by the time Samantha returned to the previous spot, between my legs.

"Push, Chloe."

I immediately listened to her calm instruction, grabbing my husband's hand once more as I loudly grunted. This time, the little body passed through me with one push. A high-pitched wail filled the room again before I heard the sound of scissors. Samantha stood up with the tiny being in her hands, the umbilical cord detached from them

"It's a girl," she announced.

"Give her to me," my husband demanded.

His hand slipped from mine and he reached forward, taking the bloodied baby in his hands. Just then, Lydia came back with my mother hot on her tail. She was holding my son in her arms who was now swaddled in a purple blanket and my mom was holding a bundle that looked a lot like a turquoise blanket a baby vest and a diaper.

"Oh my," my mom whispered.

"I didn't know I was having twins," I mumbled as I tiredly plopped back down on the bed.

I glanced at my husband watching as he gently rocked his daughter, who had already settled against his chest.

"Armina," he whispered, my ears picking up on the slight Italian accent in his voice, "Her name is Armina."

He looked as if he saw an angel. His eyes softened, tearing up as he quietly called his mother over with his index finger. He hesitantly swapped babies with her, finally holding his son. Tears fell from his eyes then, and he bent down, kissing his forehead.

"And this is Armani," he mumbled, his voice taut.

That was the last thing I heard before my vision got dark. My last thought brought happiness as I allowed myself to slip into unconsciousness, resting my tired body.

Armani means soldier.

Armina means soldier.

Our children, our twins were undeniable just as their names mean.


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