Chapter 23: Post Attack

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Hey so Just to clarify what happened in the last chapter. Christian's Pov in the last chapter happens after another two weeks, however, Chloe's Pov in this chapter continues from the night after she met her father. This is just in case anyone gets confused.




The sun shines gently on my face as I rise from my slumber. The cloudiness leaves my vision as I come face to face with stark green walls. My breath hitches and my chest tightens painfully. My bedroom is white.

I fly into a sitting position, darkness clouding my vision as I feel an attack coming on. Where am I? Whose room is this? My chest heaves, air not filtering through my lungs properly as I blindly rush to the door checking to see if it is locked.

"Oh no, oh no. oh no," I chant repeatedly, "This can't be happening again."

The doorknob turns without a problem and I let out a sigh of relief as tears of joy gather at the corner of my eyes. My thoughts run to Lisabeth as I dash out of the room and clamber down the stairs, my veins stiff in my body.

"Lisabeth!" I call, wheezing, "Lisabeth! Rachel!"

My legs push against the ground, heading into an unknown room where they suddenly freeze as my eyes widen. Everyone is here.

"What the fuck is going on?!" I blurt out.

"Chloe, calm down," Rachel replies slowly, putting her hands out in a defensive position. That's when I realize I stumbled into the living room. She gets up from an armchair and takes slow steps towards me while everyone else blinks in my direction.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" I counter, my breathing evening out, "I wake up in an unknown room, wherever the hell we are! I don't know where my daughter is-"

"Chloe, now you know getting this worked up is not good for you or the baby so just chill the fuck out and let me explain this situation," Rachel reasons, raising a brow.

Her voice of reason gets me and I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. When they reopen, I am met with looks of horror and I know, Rachel is not going to explain what's happening any time soon.

"Chloe, please tell me you're not pregnant," dad says, voicing what everyone in the room is portraying on their face.

"Wait a goddamn minute," I hear my best friend grumble as I blink at my father with disbelief. Do they really not know that is part of the reason Chris sent me here?

"That fucking incompetent brother of mine!" Rachel rages, facing the group as she speaks, "Vince, did Christian really not tell you that Chloe is pregnant?"

Vincenzo who I now realize is holding a very sullen Miliani shakes his head distractedly as he runs his fingers through her hair. My heart tugs lightly and the loneliness returns within for just a split second.

"Just wait until I tear him a new asshole," she seethes, "That bastard!"

"This makes the situation a hundred times worst," Gerardo then inputs.

I look around the room and I see that their faces hold a secret that I am yet to be told, even more so, something isn't right. I need an explanation and I need one right now.


So there was an attack and I have been asleep for two days.

The news that was broken to me has me on the verge of panicking. Lisabeth is sitting in my lap trying to comfort me while I wrap my head around the details of what happened. Miliani killed a lot of people and apparently she is having a breakdown. I feel sorry for her because she also killed someone she was close with because he had been the traitor all along.

My mind runs to the chilling fact that when Vincenzo and Miliani were fighting off people at the club and the rest of the mob was fighting the other just downstairs, my daughter and I were upstairs fast asleep.

A chill runs down my spine and it takes everything in me not to go running haywire. I learned that they had to burn the mansion down and I grieved a little it was a beautiful house. The one we are currently residing in is one of Christian's hideaways.

He apparently has many situated around the world in cases of emergency. Now that has sparked my interest. Why would my husband need so many safehouses? Everyone refuses to let me know but I will find out eventually.

Besides everything else going on, the entire famiglia has taken to waiting on me hand and foot. Even Miliani has been offering to make food for me in her sullen state. It is very annoying, to say the least.

They sort of remind me of Christian, and how he was a nervous wreck after finding out about my pregnancy. Gerardo has even made me an appointment with the family doctor for next week to make sure the baby and I are healthy.

The way these people care for their own amazes me. There are no secrets and even with underlying distaste, they don't allow anyone to disrespect their family. I noticed a lot more men patrolling than before and I believe it has something to do with the attack.

Before it was just the few of us, maybe a guard here or there but not on the scale it's at now.

My body jolts as the unmistakable sound of my cellphone ringing fill the silent air around me. The cool air of Sicilia brushes my face as I sit up on the couch on the balcony attached to my room.

I peer at the screen, my heart lurching as my husband's name flashes across the screen. I swipe the answer button immediately, my hands shaking as I bring the device to my ear.

"Chris," I whisper almost breathlessly.

"Fuck, Chloe!" are the first words out of his mouth, "I've been going out of my mind over here. Are you alright?:"

"Yes," I rush out quietly, "I'm just shaken that it all happened when I was asleep."

I knew that Vincenzo has already informed Christian about everything so I didn't bother asking what he's talking about. I hear the sigh of relief over the phone and a small smile flits across my lips.

"How's Lisabeth?"

"She's out playing with Dad in your garden," I reply, feeling the emotions coming to me. The lack of physical closeness with my husband is hard to ignore. It feels like forever since I felt his cool touch or his soft lips on my skin.

"I'm sorry about all this, baby," the dejection in his voice has my eyes welling as my chest caves, "But I promise you it will be over soon okay? I know you're missing me and I know you're probably feeling lonely but we'll be together again soon okay?"

A ball forms in my throat and I know we're going over the agreed time but it is like neither of us cares at the moment. I clench my eyes shut and fist my dress with my free hand. I can handle this, I can be strong on my own.

"Yes, okay. I trust you."


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