Chapter 32: An Early Arrival

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It was happening again, the heartbreaking fear of not knowing when I would see him again. Everything happened so fast. One minute, Chris was comforting me, and the next, we were running from gunshots and what I believe to be bombs. How else would the walls fall down?

When we got outside, I didn't even register the fact that he buckled me into the mini-van seat until after he'd done it. And when the door closed and the realization set in that he wasn't going with us, I screamed for him until my throat went raw. Mom and Lydia tried their best to calm me down but once all the energy left me, I fell asleep, my eyes crusting from my dried tears.

That was two days ago. Vincenzo and Mililani brought us to an underground safehouse that was stockpiled with enough supplies to last us at least two years. Dangelo and Elara were also here with us along with Mafalda and Levi. Dad, Ryan, Roger, Angelo, Rachel, and Chris all stayed back and quite frankly, I was worried.

Not only has my husband not contacted us since we left but my best friend, dad, and father-in-law are also M.I.A. Vincenzo was also beginning to think the worst. All their phones were switched off.

A slight movement in my stomach, made my lips twitch slightly. At least my baby was healthy. With all the stress I was under, Miliani flew in a nurse who she previously had look after me. Her name was Samantha. This time, she was instructed to stay until further notice. There was an infirmary set up with all manner of equipment so she spent the majority of her time in there. I found it odd that there was an ultrasound machine at the ready but didn't question it.

Another kick from my baby made me unconsciously place my hand over my rounded stomach earning me another kick.

"I really wish your daddy was here to experience this with me," I whispered to the tiny being.

"Mommy!" an excited voice called.

I shifted on the couch, my eyes flitting upward to find Lisabeth running into the room with one of the many phones the bunker had in the storage room. I smiled as she climbed into my lap and pressed the phone on the side of my face.

"What is it, sweetie?" I mumbled lovingly.

"Daddy's on the phone!" she squealed.

All the air left me once the words went passed her lips. I hastily held onto the device, hearing movement on the other end.

"Chris?" I whispered.

"Baby," he sighed, "How are you? How's our baby?"

My heart made drumming patterns as his voice came through the receiver. He's alright. He's still alive.

"We're fine," I responded, "Where are you? Is everyone else alright?"

"Yes, we're alright, just a bit beaten up."

"Where are you?" I repeated.

"We're on our way to the safehouse now. We should be there within the next hour or so."

I let out a whoosh of air, my anxiety being put at ease. I knew they would tell us what happened once they got here. Something must have happened if they stayed away for two whole days.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you."

I heard his contented laugh before his voice came through again, "I can't wait to see you, baby."

The line suddenly went dead and I sighed, throwing the phone on the seat beside me before pressing a kiss to my daughter's head. She giggled as I pulled away to pull on her cheeks.

"You're daddy will be here soon," I told her, bopping her nose with my finger.

Her eyes brightened and she hugged my belly, "You hear that, sibling? Daddy's gonna be with us soon."

I chuckled at her name for the unborn child inside me, gently caressing the top of her head. I didn't want to know the gender of my baby until he or she was born and since Dad taught her the word, she consistently addressed them as 'sibling'.

It was cut, in my opinion. I knew she would be the best big sister ever.

Unlike her mother.

The unsavory thought sprung an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. It has been a long time since I thought about Lisa. I try to push her to the back of my mind but the more I do, the more I reminisce on just how shady she was to me while growing up. There was an underlying fear that resided in the back of my mind that Lisabeth would end up being like her birthgiver but it was highly unlikely.

A sharp pain in my abdomen brought me back from my racing thoughts and I let out a hiss. What was that? Another sharp pain followed, this time a whimper flew past my lips. Lisabeth sat up, her worried eyes peering into mine as she tilted her head.

"Are you okay?" she questioned.

It suddenly felt like my stomach got heavier and a wave of pain hit me once again followed by fluid rushing out of me. My eyes widened as I watched the clear liquid bounce off the plastic couch and onto the carpeted floor.

"Go get your grandmas," I instructed, my eyes still wide.

Lisabeth immediately got off the couch and ran out of the makeshift living room. A throbbing erupted from my private area as another wave of pain came again. My lower back felt as if it was on fire as I rubbed my stomach, my heart squeezing as I feared the worst and my eyes watered.

My mother and mother-in-law came rushing in a few minutes later with Lisabeth hot on their tails. Their eyes widened as they saw the fluid on the ground.

"Oh my god," Lydia gasped, her eyes holding a faraway look before she shook her head, seemingly erasing whatever thoughts she was having.

"Chloe," she started—I looked at her helplessly—her eyes pinning me with a level stare, "You're in labor."

"What?!" I screamed, another wave of sharp pains poking at my stomach.

"Calm down, mija," mom responded soothingly, "Everything is gonna be fine."

The water in my eyes overflowed as it hit me that what Lydia said was true. I was in labor and my husband nor my best friend was here to help me through it. I loved my mom and I knew Lydia wouldn't stand by and not comfort me but the two most important people who have helped me through the greatest struggles of my life were the ones I wanted with me.

Call me selfish and ungrateful, I don't care.

"No no no no no," I mumbled, "I can't have this baby now. Chris needs to be here."

And Rachel but I didn't say that out loud.

"Chloe, you can't decide that—"

"No," I cried, "It's not fair! I can't do this alone and he has to be here to experience this!"

Lydia sighed, "I've been through this before, Chloe. You need to listen to me."

I shook my head vigorously, standing up from the couch as I forced my legs to carry my newfound weight.

"No, no," repeated, "It's not fair."

"Let us at least take you to the infirmary."

My mother-in-law's plea made me cave slightly and I nodded, allowing them to help me through the underground tunnels to the infirmary. Samantha's eyes widened when she saw me and she immediately rushed me onto the bed. She parted my legs before pulling on a pair of gloves.

"I'm going to check your dilation," she stated giving me a reassuring look.

After a few seconds, she pulled off the gloves and gave me a level stare, "You're about 3 centimeters. Do you want an epidural?"

"NO!" I screamed, suddenly angry, "I want my husband and best friend!"


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