Chapter 10: Give In

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I don't know how long it took but Roger arrived with Gerald before the police came. As soon as Jake saw them, he let out what looked like an explicit and ran away. Ruben and I watched the pair chase after him before they came back to the car. Gerald unlocked it, since he was the one to drive us here and had the keys.

The moment he did, we got out and I saw Rachel, Leana and Margo rushing towards us from the front of the mall. Rachel instantly embraced me and then held me away with my face in her hands. "Are you okay?!" she asked; panic thick in her voice. Her eyes glanced down to my stomach and I nodded.

"Thank fucking God!" she gasped and stepped back. Margo and Leana just stared at me with scared eyes and Ruben was chill but you can tell behind her eyes that she was trying to calm down.

"Somebody better explain what the fuck happened because Christian is gonna be on my ass for this." Roger ordered calmly. I gulped, never seeing him this serious before. I know he was in charge of keeping me safe over the past few months but when I see him he's usually just responsible not serious.

His eyes land on Gerald who shrugged and then they landed on me. "Jake reappeared," I said simply, "Please just take me home."

My eyes stung as the events of the past few minutes caught up to me. I put my baby in danger; I put myself in danger and I almost put my husband and child in heartache. What is wrong with me?

Seeing my distress, he gave me a sharp nod and we all piled into the limo. "I swear to God; you girls are like a danger magnet," Roger grumbled under his breath and then Gerald started the car.


"One fucking job," Christian seethed quietly, "I gave you guys one fucking job to do!" His sudden change in tone made me jump in my seat. We arrived a few moments ago and he sent the girls home.

Only me, him, Roger, Rachel, Gerald and Ryan remain in the living room; and Christian is pissed. "Look we didn't think, Jake would just appear out of nowhere. It is not the first time I left her on her own for a few hours," Gerald justified.

"You're suppose to be protecting her!" he growled.

"Son, calm down," Ryan sighed, "I understand how you're feeling right now but......."

"Not fucking now, dad!" he snapped then his eyes glanced to me and the sheer disappointment in them made me flinch physically. He's mad at me. I let my eyes fall to my hands, feeling like an insolent child.

"Everyone, get the fuck out!" he suddenly screamed. Lazy footsteps left the room and I sighed. "Dad, keep mom and Lisabeth busy for the next few hours. I need to have a private moment with my wife." I look up, shocked that he said it with so much venom. Did I really mess up so bad?

Ryan seemed hesitant but one look from his son and he shot me an apologetic look. The moment he left Christian huffed under his breath. "This is the fucking reason I don't want you too far from me or home," he grumbled . 

"Chris, I.."

"No, Chloe. He could have hurt you or worse, kidnapped you and now a deranged lunatic is out on the loose after you." he sneers, effectively cutting me off. I focused on my turning thumbs rather than pointing out a deranged lunatic was already after me before. I know that would only get him more mad.

"I just wanted to have some fun with my friends," I mumble. He sighed heavily, "You are never going anywhere unless I or Gerald can stay completely by your side!"

He has got to be freaking kidding me. He is being completely irrational. It's pissing me off. "No! I don't need a freaking babysitter, Chris! I can take care of myself!" I snap at him, my teeth gritting against each other. What is wrong with this man?

His crystal blue eyes turned dark and I gulped but I wasn't about to back down. I am sick and tired of him bossing me around. I know he wants the best for me but he can't keep me locked up like a prisoner. I need my fresh air, I need my freedom.

"Chloe, I do not want to fight with you on this," he said darkly. He glared directly into my glass green eyes and I could see something other than anger was brewing behind his. I could recognize the look anywhere and it made my irritation disappear. Lydia's words came back to me then and I gulped. Is it even safe to do it while I'm at this stage in my pregnancy?

I don't even know.

He kept his gaze on me as I take a deep breath and stood from my seat. "What..." he started but shut his mouth completely when I took three hesitant steps toward him. Can I even do this without freaking out? Two more steps. He remained quiet, eyes looking into mine as if he could see into my soul.

The anger in them completely disappeared the moment I took the few remaining steps between us. All I had to do was reach out and I can touch him. We stared into each others eyes; the internal battle he was having. He took a step back, shaking his head and breaking our eye contact. Something in him is snapping, I can tell. We've been together long enough for me to notice certain things.

One of those things is when his control is snapping; when he wants me but is not sure if he should follow through with it. I remember the first time I saw it, he'd left me in the penthouse in Miami all day and when he did come back, he only kissed me before we ate dinner and went to bed.

"Chloe," he whispered, bringing his eyes back up to mine, "Don't look at me like that." The soft tone of his voice made my heart stutter. We were just arguing and now, it was long forgotten. Maybe he's so cranky lately because he's pent up. Maybe, just maybe.

"Baby, please," he whispered again as I took another step forward. I grab hold of his hand and that was all it took for him to pull me towards him and slam his lips onto mine. They moved against mine with ferocity and neediness. I could taste a slight amount of alcohol as his tongue slip past my lips and entangled with mine.

He was making my head dizzy, his hands gripping my hips in an almost painful hold. His control is slipping, that thread is almost snapped. Is this what I want? Can I really do this? I wrapped my arms around his neck, to steady my  now shaky legs and then suddenly he pulled away harshly. My eyes snapped open to see him pacing in front of me, his hand wounded tightly into his hair.

"Fuck!" he cursed and kicked at the coffee table. I flinch as it fell with a loud banging sound. He glanced at me and let out a heavy sigh. "I'm on the brink here, babe," he said tiredly, "You cannot begin to imagine how much I want to fuck you against a wall."

I felt heat rise to my cheeks at his crude words and I let my eyes fall to the ground. He wasn't having any of it though, as I felt his warm fingers grab onto my chin and jerk my head up, "I want to fuck you until you can no longer walk, until the only name falling from your lips is my own."

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to refrain from that when you look at me with those big innocent eyes? My control is snapping," he whispered harshly. My breath hitched in my throat and I gulped. I want to snap! I wanted to scream it but my words fled me when his eyes dropped to my lips.

"Fucking hell, Chloe."

"I want to relieve your stress," I whisper back with a gulp, "'ve been cranky with everyone for a while now and I...I know you're probably..."

I didn't get to finish as my husband's lips cover mine in an almost bruising kiss, his hand tangling tightly into my hair. "Shhhh," he whispers against my lips and I sigh contently as he grabbed onto the the back of my dress with his other hand.


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