Chapter 1: Sheltered

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Life is funny. Just when you think that one drama is over, another one shows up on your doorstep. I didn't want to believe Lisa when she said that dad was in jail but it seems our mother really did lie to me. When I saw him last night, I slammed the door on his face and pretended it was no one at the door because that man is a ghost to me.

Christian took Lisabeth to the park earlier today so it's just me and Gerald at home. Rachel is suppose to come over in a minute and I honestly cannot wait to hear her take on this. She would probably give Mama a piece pf her mind.

I told Gerald this morning that if he sees a dark skinned man with a bald head and huge muscles to make him go away. I do not want to see that man. Rachel bounces into the room, and flops on the couch next to me.

"Hey there my lovely bitch." she greets with a smile. I blink at her and tilt my head in confusing. She's kind of freaking me out right now. "You're oddly extra happy today." I point out and she giggles. Rachel never giggles.

My eyes widen and tap the couch repeatedly, "NO WAY! WHO IS HE!" It has to be a guy; there's no other explanation. She bites her lip nervously and sighs happily.

"Chloe, I feel amazing." She ran a hand through her hair and all thoughts I had of my father went out the window. He can wait but my best friend in love is an issue that needs to be dealt with asap.

"Ray, come on! Who is he?" I press. She lets out a happy squeal, "Roger."

My mouth opens wide; is she serious? "Don't mess with me, Rachel. Our Roger?" I ask.

She nods frantically and bounces on the couch. I cannot believe this right now. "When did this happen?!"

She grabbed my arm and stood us both up, "Girl, that's a story for a day out. Let's go."


I should have known. Rachel almost always takes us shopping when we have something to talk about. My feet were already hurting and my back was starting to ache. We've been here for an hour now. Gerald and Henry stayed close and I didn't even get a chance to text my husband.

My only hope is that Gerald texted him and informed him. "Roger had a thing for me for a while now." she starts as we enter the food court, "He's my brother's best friend so obviously I thought of him as a player but something happened when you and Christian went on that trip."

I order burger and fries for us and we sat at a stall so she can continue her story. She took a deep breath, "Roger asked me out on a date and I said yes because I was tired of him bugging me. I didn't expect to catch any feelings but it happened anyway. I realized that he is actually the more settle one between the group so we went on other dates."

"So you guys have been going out for two months behind mine and your brother's back?" I interrupt.

She scratches the top of her head and smiles sheepishly, "We just didn't want to bother you guys. You were going through so much already."

I nod and she continues to tell me how they continued their relationship. I am truly happy for her. She has a long history of trusting the wrong guys and being hurt and that has put her off men for a long time but I know Roger is a classy guy; he wot hurt her.

"Now what was it you wanted to tell me again?" she suddenly changes the subject.

I sigh, "We're having such a good time; I don't want to ruin our mood."

"I don't care. You're my best friend, you can tell me anything. You know that." she retorts. I know there's no getting out of this one.

"My dad showed up on my doorstep last night." I mumble.

Rachel was quiet for a minute and then I heard her voice, "That deadbeat motherfucker. Who the fuck does he think he is? He left you when you were a baby and now he wants to come back into your life? I bet it's because you have money now, that bitch!"

I try to quiet her down as people began to stare at us. You'd think I'd be used to it by now but no. She finally calm down a few minutes later and our food arrives. "We are visiting Lydia tomorrow. I don't want any objections."

The look in her eyes made me nod immediately. I know she's serious.


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