Chapter 12- Screaming.

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*A Month Later- Sierra's POV*

Walking down a huge hallway backstage, I randomly get pulled into a little room. I try to scream but realize it's Adam. The worst person I've ever met.
You're probably confused right now because I told Niall I was excited he was coming on tour. But I'm not; I lied to him.

I cried the hardest I've ever cried in my life when I found out. The real reason Adam and I broke up was because he abused me.
No one except Alice knows.
I agreed to not let the secret out if he left me alone. Clearly he didn't keep his end of the agreement cos now he wants me back.
All I want is to cry in Niall's arms; be protected by him. I always feel safe with him. I really miss Niall.

"I thought I made it clear a couple years ago, Adam." I shout almost in tears.
"Made what clear? That you're incapable to love anyone besides yourself?" He screams at me.
"Why would you say that? You know the real reason we broke up." I say quietly starting to get scared.
"Shut up bitch. You're probably too high to know what you're even saying right now." He yells getting closer to me.
I whimper starting to cry but choke out, "No, I think that's you."

He makes the scariest face I've ever seen and brings his right arm up.
It felt like slow motion. I could tell what was about to happen but I couldn't do anything to stop it.

I feel his right hand slap across my cheek as I fall to the ground crying harder and louder. Oh, no. He couldn't just leave it there.
The icehole he is, kept going.

He brought my face up and kissed me hard and I tried with all my strength to push him away. It was no use. He's too strong for me to get away... sadly.

Making it worse, Adam tries to yank on my shirt. I start screaming, hoping that what I think might happen doesn't.
Thankfully, Alice opens the door and gasps at us.
She runs in and pulls Adam off me by his shirt collar.

"Boy you better run right now or you will die and I'll make sure no one finds out it was me." Alice hisses at him.

He glares at us and slowly walks away like nothing even happened.
"What just happened to me?" I cry.
"That horny boy needs to keep walking or he'll die. And if a certain someone finds out about it before I can do anything... it might not be me that kills him." She chuckles winking at me.

I weakly smile trying to forget about it. Who am I kidding? How am I supposed to forget about this?

"C'mon. Let's go talk to security about it. Then we can call Niall."
I go wide eyed. Shaking my head rapidly. Niall can't find out. I basically just cheated on him. I mean if we were actually a couple... right?

"No! They can't find out! Do you know what would happen?"
"Umm... they'd put Adam in jail for what he did? You need to tell someone other than me, Sierra."

Alice starts to pull on my hand but I shake my head and cry like a little kid. I don't want anyone else to find out. For one, it's embarrassing and for two, who knows what Adam will do when they find out. I'm not sure but I'm guessing something a lot worse than what he just did.

"Sierra, you can't let him get away with this again."
"He's going to hurt me no matter what. I-I need to stop hiding from the truth."

*Niall's POV*

"Can you believe there's only a month left of tour? It's crazy; feels like it just started." Liam says.
"Yeah. Only two months left until I can see my princess." I smile.
"Hmm... your princess?" Harry asks raising an eyebrow.

"Be quiet. I'm not scared to admit that I like Sierra now."
"Texting and calling must really bring true love together." Louis chuckles.
"Oh, whatever. Can you just be happy for me?"

"I'm happy for you two. Have you talked to her about it yet?" Liam says.
"No, not yet. I don't want to do that kind of thing over the phone . I'm going to wait until her tour is over."
"Our baby's growing up." Harry says pretending to cry.

We laugh then Louis asks, "What're you going to do if she's with that Adam guy?"

I'm silent for a moment thinking of the horrible possibility. I know she really likes him so it might actually happen.

"Uh... I don't... I don't really know what I'd do. Just leave them alone and live life like I did before I met her, I guess. It'll be hard but the right choice."

They nod. "Did management tell you what they want you and Sierra to do after tour is over?" Zayn asks.
"No. I hope that for at least a month we can just kinda go back to normal. Live at our own houses then maybe move in together. I doubt Sierra is going to want to do it though."

"Niall, don't be so doubtful. She may like you too. And who knows... maybe she feels the same way you do. Maybe she thinks that you don't like her." Harry says.
"Yeah, that's true."

We continue talking about Sierra and I for a while then start talking about Harry and Taylor. Then it went on to Louis and Eleanor. Today just must be a couple day.

*Alice's POV*

Sierra and I get off stage and start running to the bus. All of a sudden, I turn around and Sierra isn't there.

I try to go back and look for her but security pushes me along.
Fighting against them I say, "Stop! I need to find Sierra! Stop!"
"It's okay, Alice. Adam is her detail tonight."

When I hear those horrible words, my gut drops to my feet. Why would he even be her detail tonight though? He's part of the crew.

Immediately, I start balling my eyes out and scream.

Out of nowhere the guards lift me up and run to the tour bus with me hanging over their shoulder. I start to see fans screaming and running after us then we get behind a closed gate somehow.

They get me on the tour bus and give me some water to calm down.

"Where is she?" I hear the head of security whisper to another security guard.
The other guard just shrugs then they leave the tour bus, trying to find Sierra.

It gets quiet so I look out the window... they found Sierra but she's passed out.

Fans notice her laying there passed out and they scream like crazy. Of course, being rude by taking pictures and videos of her.

Without a second thought, I call Niall. Luckily he's with the other boys.

Niall: "Hello? Alice? Are you okay?"
Me: "No.. She's... She's hurt Niall."
*silence for a moment*
Niall: "W-What happened?"
Me: "I don't know exactly b-but.." *breaks out crying*
Niall: "Alice! What's happening?"
Me: She passed out. I-I think Adam did something to her again. Niall, she needs you. That's all she ever talks about anymore!"
Niall: "What do you mean 'again'?"

I tell him everything I know. About why they broke up, how Sierra lied to him, and about what happened earlier in the closet.
Niall broke into tears and couldn't talk. We continued our conversation through the boys but then Sierra came in so I said goodbye.

I don't know what's going to happen now.


OMG! So much is happening! So now you know the real reason why Adam and Sierra broke up! And now Niall knows about it all! Can you say plot twist?!

Also, I just don't have enough time anymore to have each chapter be at least 2,000 words. So, I'm not going to do that anymore.

Until next time! Please vote, comment, and tell your friends about the book! Love you all! x

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