Chapter 10- Best Idea Ever!

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*Josh's POV*

When I wake up, I feel someones head on my shoulder. Slowly and tiredly, I open my eyes and see Alice's head on my shoulder. She's all cuddled up to me with her arm over my torso. My left arm is wrapped around her with the heavy blanket covering us. This is actually really nice.

I look over to where the window is. It's still dark outside. Turning to the small clock on the new seeming night stand, I see that it's only 2 in the morning, exactly actually. Which that means I've only been asleep for an hour and a half. Ugh. I'm really tired though. Tour messes up my sleep schedule so much it's not even funny.

Looking back at Alice instead of sleeping probably isn't the best idea but... I don't care. It's kinda weird though.

I've only known her for about a month or two and I think I already have a crush on Alice. However, I don't think I should have a crush on someone this quickly but I do. And yes, I know, since we're not dating this whole situation is totally awkward and weird. I can't help but to watch her sleep so softly though.

Her small chest rises then slowly and carefully, falls... over and over again. She just looks so peaceful. I sigh and realize that she'll probably never be mine anyway. She's way out of my league. Even if I am the drummer for the most famous boyband in the world right now.

When I look over at Niall and Sierra, Niall's eyes open. He doesn't notice me being awake so I just try to go back to sleep. I really should anyway. Eventually, I fell into a deep slumber.

*In The Morning-Niall's POV*

I could barely sleep last night. I kept tossing and turning in bed. Josh did the same except wasn't as long as I did. He's lucky he got more sleep. I wish I did. I bet in all I probably only got about 5 hours of sleep.

Sierra would keep cuddling up to me. Which, made me feel more at home even though that was the first time that we've slept in the same bed. It was nice to feel relaxed for once.

All I really wonder now is what's going to happen after we both get off of tour.

The other day I overheard our managers talking about having us move in together after tour. I kind of don't want to though. I feel like we still don't really know each other that well. It might start to get awkward since we're still getting to know each other. Fans would probably end up getting worse with hate and all too.

Last week, Alice texted me in the middle of the night saying that Sierra was having a full on breakdown. She made Alice go over to her house so she wasn't alone because Brina was at a friends house. It shattered my heart when I found out why she broke down crying. It was cos of crazed Directioner fans sending hate straight to her phone.

Apparently her phone number got leaked so people kept texting her. She had to change it the next day. Sierra wouldn't tell me who leaked her phone number either. I think she was probably scared for the person who leaked it if she told me who it was. I would've exaggerated a bit about what I would do to them but whatever... we won't go into that.

After the whole basketball fight thing happened, it probably scared her half to death.

I've been alot more protective of her since that happened too. Who could blame me though. She broke her leg because of something one of my crazed fans did. I always think its my fault but other people say it wasn't. If only I could have been there to help.

I roll over in bed and spoon Sierra. She's so cute. Slowly, I start to fall back asleep. Tonight we both have later concerts so we can sleep in... thankfully.

I guess I fell asleep cos next thing I know, Paul is trying to wake Josh and I up. Along with Honor trying to wake Sierra and Alice up. None of us are really morning people.

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