Chapter 5- Goodbye

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*Sierra's POV*

My mom gently shakes me awake. "What?" I groan. I look over to where Alice was and get confused. "Sweetie, Alice just left cos she has homework." My mom explains. "Okay..." I say. "Oh, and I want you to get dressed and look nice!" My mom says and I start getting confused again. She smiles then leaves and I groan getting out of bed.

I look at my phone and it says that it's 6 am. Why would Alice leave this early and... why do I have to get up this early?! I get ready then walk downstairs.

"What'd you want me to get up this early for?!" I ask as I shuffle tiredly into the kitchen. "You can go back to bed after Niall leaves." My mom says and I instantly become wide awake. "What? Is Niall here already?!" I ask fixing my hair. Brina laughs looking at her plate of food. I get red and glare at Brina. "No, he's not here yet. But, when he does get here, I want all of you to act like you actually like him!" My mom says..... that won't be hard considering we're best friends now.

After a while of waiting, Niall finally gets to my house. He knocks on the door and I walk over and open it. I freeze once I see him... so cute! His hair is in a quiff, he has white Supra's on, jeans, and a t-shirt. He smiles and grabs my arm then pulls me outside closing the door behind me. Once the door is closed, he crashes his lips onto mine. I kiss back but realize that there are no paps around. We're breaking the contract!! I pull away and Niall stares at the ground.

"Um... I'm sorry. About that... and about last night. I should've told you earlier that I was going on tour that long." Niall says then finally looks at me. I can't help but get lost in his blue eyes. I guess I was staring pretty hard cause Niall started to wave his hand in front of my face.

"Huh? What?" I ask looking at his mouth now so it doesn't happen again. "I said I'm sorry that I kissed you just now and I'm sorry about last night. Are you feeling okay?" Niall asks then gets really close to me.

He puts his hand on my blushing cheeks then puts his hand on my forehead. I take small steps back then hit the door. Niall chuckles at me then we go inside.

"Brina, this is-" I get cut off by Brina pushing me out of the way. She runs up to Niall and introduces herself to him. Did I mention that she loves One Direction? Well... she does... just like Caycee. I bet Brina has this whole plan to lock Niall in her closet and keep him forever... shes just weird like that. But, Brina needs to learn how to talk to celebrites.

Which I don't understand cause if I ever go to award shows, she makes me bring her and she acts fine. I wonder what will happen when Niall and I go to award shows together and she won't be able to come. Guess we won't know for a while considering after tomorrow we won't see each other for a whole year. This just sucks!

After a while of talking, Niall leaves to catch his flight with the other boys. I walk him to his car and we stop there to talk a little. "Listen, I... I know that we're both going to have some nights where we just wish we were with each other. If you have one of those nights, just know that you can always text me, call me, or we can Skype. Anything that helps you get through the year.. but, promise you won't do anything crazy to help you through it?! Please!" Niall says and I smile and nod.

I feel that if I talk right now I might cry. We stand there silent for a couple minutes then Niall speaks up. "I read this quote last night that a fan sent me on Twitter. It said, "No ocean can come between us". When I read it, I couldn't help but think of you." Niall smiles. I smile back; again, not wanting to talk or I might cry. I didn't realize that small tears were falling from my eyes until Niall kissed them away. Niall kissed down my cheeks then found his way to my lips. I kiss back but know that it'll only make things harder. Plus, it feels wrong but... right at the same time.

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