Chapter 2: Na Na Na

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Chapter 2: Na Na Na

"109 in the sky but the pigs wont quit, you're here with me: Dr. Death Defying" said Dr. D as he began to broadcast his show all around the zones. 
The sun rose higher now and the coolness of the morning began to fade. The heat was setting as the sky grew brighter.

"I'll be your surgeon, your proctor, your helicopter! Pumpin' out the slaughtermatic sounds to keep you alive." he continued.

        Just on the boarder of Zones 2 and 3, right off of Route Guano,  is were the heroes resided.  In a quaint, abandoned diner the fabulous four were resting. Jet Star seemed to have passed out in one of the dusty booths, for he was sorting medical and food supplies the previous night and grew tired as he counted can upon can. Jet Star was formerly known as Raymond Toro. Star had big hair, an Afro almost parted down the middle. He wore an eye patch to protect one of his eyes that were recently injured in a battle. His filthy killjoy american flag jacket hung on the chair behind him, leaving himself with just a big and old t-shirt.  He was the organizer towards the group, he looked out for each of his fellow killjoys and never once did he want anyone to be left behind. Star was selfless, and peoples needs always came before his own. Fun Ghoul was sprawled out on the floor with a dusty pillow cushioning his head. He was lightly sleeping with a ray gun in his hand, just in case. Fun Ghoul was formerly known as Frank Iero. His long, greasy hair covered his eyes. His army vest  and black and yellow stripped shirt was in a pile next to his head. Tattoos ran up and down Ghoul's body like a filled canvas, which was clear to see as he slept without a shirt. He was the irrational fighter of the group. Ghoul's temper and impatience would get the best of him. He never once showed mercy to any members of Better Living Industries. But, he did have a soft spot. He cared for his friends and never once did he let them down with his creative strategies. In his down time he did a lot of repair work on the team's automobiles and weapons. Kobra Kid was on the couch sleeping with  a magazine laid on his chest. He was fully clothed in his red jacket and his leopard print shirt. His boots lay to the side of the couch, along with his ray gun. Kobra Kid was formerly known as Mikey Way. Kid was the baby brother of the group. His skills were increasingly better every day, as he worked very hard to prove to himself and other rebels he could run with the wolves. His quiet self seemed would be able to solve even the hardest puzzle and though he was a hesitant fighter, he never failed the group. 

"A system failure for the masses! Antimatter for the master plan!" spoke Dr. D through the boom box at the diner.

        Party Poison flinched at the unexpected loudness of the radio. He was half expecting it to work and was pleased by the feedback he was receiving. He tinkered with the dials so that they could tune into Dr. Death Defying for the day. Fuzz filled the stereo system, not being able to connect to the crucial broadcast. His red hair would hang in front of his eyes and he'd constantly push it out of his way so that he could see. He was usually wearing a blue jacket, but under the amount of stress he was putting himself through, he was sweating, and was just wearing a ripped tank top. Party Poison is the leader of the killjoys. Formerly known as Gerard Way, Poison displays leadership at best. He lead the killjoys among the zones and helped anyone he could. He had a great heart, a sense of adventure and a fearless attitude of Better Living Industries. 

        He sighed. "Come on you piece of shit, work!" he hissed to the stereo, trying to not wake the other guys. Dr. D could vaguely be heard through all of the pointless static. He was not as tech-savvy as Fun Ghoul and actually very much hated technology. Poison was frustrated  and out of anger, smacked the stereo with his fist. And like that the stereo system was connected. 

"Louder than God's revolver and twice as shiny!" spoke Dr. D clearly.

        Poison smiled with delight as the radio began to work again. But before Poison could turn the volume down, out of courtesy for the sleeping men, a groaning sound was made from Fun Ghoul.
"Poison, turn Death Defying off. It's too early to be tuning in" mumbled Ghoul as he positioned himself on the floor. Ghoul now laid on his stomach as he groggily. Poison ignored Fun Ghoul's request and kept listening, but this time at a quieter volume.

"This one's for all you rock'n'rollers.. all you crash queens and motor babies. Listen up!" said Death Defying.

"Poison" said Ghoul, obviously irritated by the noise of the stereo. He sat up, his muscles ached as he stretched and rubbed his eyes. He squinted as his eyes adjusted to the sunlight. All Ghoul could see was an eager Party Poison sitting at a booth, drinking coffee and listening to morning broadcast. 
"It's time to get up" teased Party Poison as he sipped his coffee. Ghoul couldn't help but smirk at the endless amount of energy Poison always seemed to have. It was quite admirable. Ghoul slipped on his shirt and made his way to the booth. He plopped down with a hard thud next to Poison, making the booth shake a little. 

"The Future is Bulletproof" yelled Dr. Death Defying. "The Aftermath is Secondary!"

"What is he babbling about now?" laughed Ghoul as he continued to rub his eyes. Poison was not paying attention. He was so caught up in the inspiring words of one of his greatest role models. 

"It's time to do it now and do it loud! Killjoys, make some noise!" said Dr. D.

A song began to play and Poison began to hum along quietly.
"This song always gets me pumped" said Poison ecstatically. Ghoul laughed at Poison as he did a tiny dance in the booth.
"Shall we wake the others?" asked Fun Ghoul curiously. "I know yesterday was a long day but"- Poison cut Ghoul off. 
"Don't worry about it, let them sleep." He looked to his best friend Jet Star and his brother, Kobra Kid. "They deserve that rest." 
"Well" said Fun Ghoul "While they sleep, would you like to join me on patrol this morning? I think i'm just gonna drive down Route Guano and see is any trouble is being caused. "
Poison smiled. "Yeah" he replied. "A nice morning patrol would do me some good." he said as he finished off his morning coffee. "Suit up" added Poison as he scooted out of the booth "I'll meet you in front of the Trans AM". Ghoul nodded and scooted out of the booth as well to get ready for the day. 
        Before Poison left the diner he wrote a note. It was a message to Jet Star and Kobra Kid; letting them know where Poison and Ghoul had ran off to for the morning. Before he walked out the dinner a small voice reached his attention. 
"Where are you going?" it asked . Party Poison turned around to see the girl standing by the kitchen counters. She had a huge afro of light brown hair. Her blue, red, and yellow vest hung from her shoulders over her long sleeved top. She grasped a helmet in her hands, as if she was ready to go somewhere. The Girl was the killjoys main priority to keep safe, as BL/Ind sought to capture this girl. She was apparently a threat to Battery City  and BL/Ind would stop at nothing to have this girl contained and under their control.The killjoys raised her as their own and taught her the ways of the zones. The killjoys need to protect her to fulfill their duties as rebels.  But, Poison saw The Girl more than just a duty, he saw her as a friend. Poison crouched down on one knee to be level with the her.
"Hey sweetie, Ghoul and I are going on a patrol, would you care to join?" Party Poison asked kindly. The girl shook her head 'yes' and smiled brightly. Poison stood up and walked towards the door. He looked around to see Kid and Star sleeping. He looked back to the girl and signaled to be quiet. 
"Come on" he whispered and the Girl and Party Poison walked out the dinner door.
         Poison reached his back pocket to find his aviators. He slipped his shades onto his face as he breathed in the air of a fresh new day. The Girl placed her helmet on her head and made her way towards the car. Fun Ghoul was leaning against the Trans AM, toying with his transmitter to make sure it works, just in case they run into any trouble. If they were to run into unwanted business they could call Jet Star and Kobra Kid for backup.
"Fun Ghoul!" shouted The Girl  with a smile as she ran towards the car. Ghoul looked up and made a sly smirk at Party Poison. Poison knew exactly what that smirk meant; like Poison gave in and was a push over to let The Girl come along. Ghoul then looked to The Girl and winked. He smiled and closed up the transmitter.
"Does it work?" asked Poison.
"Totally" replied Fun Ghoul "Are you guys ready?" Poison nodded.         
        They all piled into the car. Poison in the drivers seat, Fun Ghoul on the passengers side and The Girl in the back. 
"Route Guano, here we come!" shouted Fun Ghoul as Party Poison stepped on the gas and began to speed down the road. The Girl waved her arms out the window as she cheered. Fun Ghoul tuned into Dr. Death Defying's radio station on the car stereo and the three killjoys cruised down Route Guano blasting their music and feeling the morning sun on their skin. 

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