Chapter 14: Goodnite, Dr. Death

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Chapter 14: Goodnite, Dr. Death

Bam.. a small force put all her might against the locked diner door.
Bam.. she wouldn't stop until she got in, no matter how much her shoulder began to hurt
BAM! The door swung open and the girl stood tall as she huffed.
The sunlight began to spill into the now empty diner. Dust blew up into the little girls face, making her nose twitch as she examined her once home. Things were exactly how they had left it. There was a faint noise of the stereo ringing its usual dysfunctional fuzz. The magazine laid on the floor next to the couch where Kobra Kid always slept. Old coffee sat on the counter in crusty mugs. Half open cans of pup food were also on the counter, where flies seemed to have infested the spoiled mush they would always eat. The girl stood in the door way. She didn't want to move- everything looked too perfect. It all reminded her of them. Why did they have to leave this all behind? The fuzz on the stereo buzzed louder now and then the static stopped. There was silence for a change but it was quickly interrupted by that oh, so familiar voice.

"Alright children" said Dr. Death Defying.

Dr Death Defying. The Girl's stomach flipped. She couldn't believe she just ran away across the zones after being rescued by the DJ and his crew. She felt awful for not saying thank you or anything. But the way things were going, she thought maybe its best if she was alone from now on. She saw that where ever she went, grief was soon to follow. If anyone were to stand in her way, surely they'd be gone in almost an instant. So it was time to move on and grab her things. It was time to grow up a little. She finally made her way into the diner. Holding back tears and the memories of her friends, she began to scavenge the place and took whatever she could.

"The lights are out and the parties over" said Dr. Death Defying. The Girl didn't even bother to turn it off. "It's time for me, Dr. D to start running and say goodbye for little while"

She had found a bag in the corner near one of the torn up booths. It was a pale zipper backpack. Not too many pockets or complicated contraptions. Just the right size for her, maybe even a little too big. She didn't mind. She grabbed clothes, anything really. A few magazines and some old headphones that might come in handy.

"And I know you're gonna miss me so Ill leave you with this. You know that big ball of radiation we call the sun? Well it will burst you into flames if you stay in one place too long" Dr D paused for a moment then continued "That is if the static don't get you first"

The little girl made her way to the counters where the old coffee and food was sitting. She hoped there would be some unopened cans she could grab and maybe some fresh bottled water or something. She reached into cabinets and drawers and cupboards and managed to find enough cans to last her for a few weeks. As she stuffed the cans into her backpack, something caught her eye. It was a note left on the counter. So out of curiosity she reached far over the counter and grabbed it.As she read it she recognized it was Party Poison's handwriting.

"So remember." said Death Defying "even if you're dusted, you may be gone."

After examining the note, without hesitating, the girl shoved it in her backpack and began to zip it up. That seemed to be all she could fit for now.

"But out here your shadow lives on without you. This is Dr. Death Defying. Signing off..."

The stereo went silent and Dr. Death was gone. Then a tune began to play. The Girl recognized it as what used to be known as the Star Spangled Banner. She slung her backpack up on her shoulder, having it weight her down as she was almost too little to be carrying that much stuff. She began to walk towards the door to leave, then there was an outcry: a small meow came from the corner of the diner. The girl looked to a pile of cardboard, wood and other pointless garbage to find a black cat crawl out towards her. The cat's green eyes looked to the little girl and let out another meow. The little girl stood in awe. Where did he come from? But the girl was friendly. Kneeling down to the cats level, she outstretched her hand.
"Are you lost?" asked the girl as the cat cautiously inched towards the hand. "Me too" said the girl with a sigh. The cat began to rub against the little girl, making her giggle.
"Come on" she said. The girl grabbed the cat and the cat willingly crawled up onto her shoulder, resting there almost like a bird.
"Lets get moving" The little girl pet her new friend behind the ear and scanned the place one more time. The boom box. Damn she almost forgot. The anthem was still playing as she walked across the room to grab it off of the table, it was reaching the end of the song.

-for the land of the free and the home of the-

The girl grabbed the boom box off of the table, causing a static mess occur as she lost connection to the radio waves. Fuzz filled the air once again as she walked towards the door. A small click noise was made and the static instantly stopped. At that she walked away slamming the diner door behind her,finally leaving it all behind. 

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