Chapter 3: Bulletproof Heart

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Chapter 3: Bulletproof Heart

"Attention. Scarecrow Korse" Blared a speaker from the upper left corner of the exterminator's room.  Korse stopped in the middle of his morning routine to listen to the announcement.
"Attention Scarecrow Korse" it repeated itself. "Please report to building 127 for immediate engagement. That is all- have a better day."
        The speaker turned off and left Korse in the silence of his white room. Fluorescent  lights beamed on him while he gazed in the mirror. He examined himself. Now, who was Korse? Was he a killjoy? Far from it. Korse was an exterminator for Better Living Industries' Scarecrow Unit. He was pale and had a clean shaved head. He wore a gray suit with a white blouse beneath it that ruffled at the end of the sleeves and on the chest. He had dark circles under his eyes from no sleep and stress from his job. He was head of his crew and he lead them on  a manhunt for the girl. She was too valuable to let her waste away and rot in the desert with the scum called killjoys. He despised the Fab Four, jealous and angered about the way they would parade around the zones flaunting and showing off the one thing they had that Korse wanted. The girl was all he needed. She held a great threat that needed to be eliminated. No, they wouldn't kill her physically. BL/Ind would only kill the part of her that could possibly destroy Battery City.  That's all they needed to do , thake care of the girl. But The killjoys were in their way. These wanted criminals were the problems that kept Korse awake at night. He would not stop at finding them. He took one last look in the mirror, took his pills and walked out with an abnormally happy smile on his grim and deadly face. Today was his big day.

        Korse made his way to building 127 . He passed a group of dracs whom were polishing their ray guns and getting ready for the expedition. The dracs looked up at what they were doing and stopped to salute the head scarecrow. Korse nodded his thanks as he walked on and approached 2 large white doors. He swiped his ID card on a keypad next to the doors.
"Access complete." chimed a female voice. "Welcome back Scarecrow Korse"
He continued into a white hallway with many glass windows looking into certain control rooms. He walked to the end of the halkway where a woman was standing there. She wore a press dress suit, black and white. She was a Japanese woman with a short black bobbed haircut. Her makeup was beautiful with winged eyeliner and dark purple lipstick. She was the commander of all scarecrow operations. 
"Scarecrow Korse" she said " We all have been looking forward to this day for awhile so I will get straight to the point so that we may start this operation as soon as we can."
        Korse nodded and followed the Woman into a control room. Large screens were spread out all across the wall and each one would light up as they walked closer to them. They stopped in front of a desk and stood by it as they looked to the wall in front of them. Each screen had a different image but each held vital information on how to track down, find and exterminate the Fabulous Killjoys. A map of the desert was laid out with each zone on it and a red line which drew out a route for the exterminators to follow. 
"We have it all planned out for you Korse" said the Woman. "All you need to do is follow the route and it should take you to the place where we suspect the four killjoys are located." The Woman smiled as she described everything to Korse. Korse couldn't help but share the smile with his co-worker. They were both estatic and confident that this plan would run smoothly. Once this maneuver was done, BL/Ind would have exterminated the Fab four and have the girl in their clutches. At that, Battery City will have power and it will send out a message to all those other aspiring killjoys NOT to mess with BL/Ind.
"Are you ready Scarecrow Korse?" asked the Woman. Korse looked at her with pleasing eyes. 
"Yes ma'am" he spoke roughly. The woman smiled and pressed a red button on the desk.
"Attention S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W Unit" sounded a loud speaker. "All exterminators are to report to the front of Better Living Industries Building to meet Exterminator Korse. All must be ready to carry out Operation Fabulous Killjoys. Again, All exterminators are to report to the front of Better Living Industries Building Exterminator Korse . All must be ready to carry out Operation Fabulous Killjoys" 
Korse headed for the door to begin his assignment.
"Scarecrow Korse" said the Woman. Korse turned around to look at her. "Have a better day".
And Korse was gone, ready to take back what they had lost and ready to take down those disgusting Killjoys.   

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