Chapter 10: S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W

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Chapter 10: S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W 

The Analog Wars.. Your mother was a rebel,a freedom fighter and a leader. She led the killjoys in the wars with her gun in hand and her spirit full of fire. She fought for the future that doesn't exist. 

The control room was full of dracs and scarecrows hopelessly hitting keys and buttons as screens all around them lit up with surveillance images of Battery City.
"We need to have high alert" said the Scarecrow Commander. She stood in the room, arms crossed. "If any of the remaining killjoys come- be ready to exterminate.  That moment, the tall and thin exterminator Korse walked in, his hand firmly grasped a tiny arm. The girl. The woman in
black and white smirked as she strided over, her high heels clicking against the cold hard surface. She kneeled down and looked at the girl with much pride. The girl stood still innocently as she stared right back and examined the woman's face. It seemed so perfect- almost doll like. Her eyes were so beautifully and simply painted over with thin lines of eyeliner. Her lipstick seems so pristine and almost permanent. She looked away from the stare of the girl and to Korse.
"Is this really her?" she seemed so amazed. Korse nodded. The woman stood up and looked to the girl
"She looks just like her mother.." she said. The girl's eyes grew wide and looked to the woman.
"You knew my mom?" The girl asked. 

The killjoys fought as hard as they could but B.L.I won and  your mother was captured. 

"Scarecrow Korse- may I speak to you privately?" asked the woman. Korse nodded and tossed the child into the room, letting go of his grasp. 
"What am I to do with her?" he growled. The woman looked to the girl.
"I found this for you" she said as she walked over to the corner of the control room to reveal a ball. A blue ball. "Here.. for entertainment." The girl looked at it and hesitantly took it into her arms. The girl walked past the woman and sat on the floor, keeping her eyes on this blue ball. The woman then walked out of the room, with  the sliding door opening as Korse followed, then closed. The girl continued to stare into the blue ball. It sort of reminded her of the skies in the desert. She missed the desert so much. She didn't know why she had to be here. No one would tell her. They all just grinned with their lifeless smiles and not say a word. She wished the boys were here with her. She knew they were wanted rebels.. but why was she the one to be taken away?

When they put the mask on your mother, her soul didn't escape her body because it found another place to go- a place closer to home. She was pregnant.

She worried about her friends constantly. The way she saw them all fall when they fought, how Party Poison looked so weak as the dracs pulled her away. The words Korse spoke to them before turning to leave "Keep Running" he said. She was only a little girl,  all of her emotions buzzed around her like pestering flies. She couldn't just sit here. But she couldn't make a stupid move and get herself killed. She knew Poison would be mad if she did something stupid. She remembered the words Poison told her when she got lost in the desert for a few days. Poison rushed to her as he found her near one on the Phoenix Witch boxes. He kneeled down and hugged her. "Don't you dare ever do something stupid again, okay? I don't want to loose you". The Girl never forgot that day. She never wanted to loose Poison either. She cared too much for him.

It went into you. All of your mothers anger and rage- her stubbornness and spirit- channeled into you. It manifested into something deadly- something dangerous. Something grew inside you.

The woman walked back into the control room. Her high heels clicked as she walked to The Girl.
"How are you?" The woman asked. There was an awkward pause as the girl remained silent.  "You should be getting used to this. Wherever I go, you will be. I don't want to loose you" The child's heart sank as she remembered Party Poison's words. 
"I.." the girl began to say. She hesitated but now the woman had her full attention on the child. 
"What is it?" the woman said very lowly "Something wrong?" After much fear of the answer, the little girl spoke up to the woman and asked her sheepishly "Why am I here?"

You can end things or begin them. 

The woman looked to the little girl. Her smiled faded and the light behind her eyes seemed to disappear. The Girl stared, hopelessly waiting for an answer. The woman thought long and hard then turned away from the girl. She stared at the monitors as those scarecrows scanned the surveillance. "Kids.." she scoffed "They ask so many questions..". A few scarecrows snickered and cackled making the little girl feel embarrassed as she stared at this blue ball in hand. 

You can charge Batteries or drain them- Give life or Take it away

The girl wasn't to give up hope. She knew the boys wouldn't forget about her. Poison always seemed to be there for her when she needed him most. 

"You okay sweetie?" asked Poison. The girl nodded but tears were streaming down her face. Poison knelt down to her level and looked into her eyes. He wiped the tears from her cheeks.
"You're pretty brave, honey." he said softly and comfortingly... He extended his arms and she ran to him for a big hug.

"Keep Running" she said over and over in her mind. She knew exactly what Korse meant and she began to smile to herself. Keep Running

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