Chapter 9: Save Yourself I'll Hold Them Back

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Chapter 9: Save Yourself, I'll Hold them Back 

        One of the scarecrows pulled out a radio from his back pocket. He cleared his throat before pressing a button on the side of the machine.
"Calling from Route Guano, just out of Zone 1, close to Zone 2. It is confirmed and we have the infmaous Party Poison under our control. He was found running through the desert. He's accused of causing a really bad wreck and killing all scarecrows and dracs invloved. We will bring back to BL/Ind where he will face the concequences for his actions." There was silence for a few second then a man on the other side buzzed in. 
"Affermative scarecrow" he spoke. It was Korse. "Tell my friend Party Poison I will see him soon" The radio was turned off and there was silence again.
        Poison struggled underneath the grasps of two dracs. They held onto both of his arms tight and had him down on the sand, his knees shoved to the ground. His sweaty red hair dangled infront of his eyes as his head hung in shame.
How was he going to get out? If he was stuck here, the girl is never going to be saved.. What about Fun Ghoul?- what if Poison doesn't survive, how will Ghoul make it on his own? Why did he not think this through? Kobra and Jet maybe gone but Poison wasn't ready to go anymore. He found out there is so much more to do before his times comes. His gun and mask was thrown away from him, laying in the middle of the desert baking in the sun. Maybe he could make a run for it and grab it? Would it be too risky? He had to get out.
He just had to. 

Poison looked to the scarecrow  who was putting away his radio into his back pocket. Poison glared at the scarecrow who grinned softly under his mask. 
"I hope you rot in hell for the grief you have brought amongst Battery City" spoke the Scarecrow with much hate in his voice. 
"Well then" grunted Poison "I guess I'll just see you all there. I'll make sure to throw you a 'welcome home' party"  he smirked but he was quickly interuptted by a quick punch to the gut. A drac sent such a powerful swing it sent Poison back. He landed on the hot sand, fallen out of the dracs' grasp. He wrapped his arms around his stomach and curled his body in pain. He coughed violently gasping for the air the drac had knocked out of his body. The dracs surrounded him, casating a shadow and blocking the high sun from Poison's eyes. They continued to violentlly attack Poison, mocking him, teasing him and kicking him while he laid on the ground hopelessly. A scarecrow pushed many dracs out of the way and hauled Poison off the ground. He was dizzy and the amount of pain was unbearable.
"You idiots!" hissed the scarecrow. "You're gonna kill him before we even get to Battery City! Now let's get him in the car before you guys do anything else which is utterly stupid" The scarecrow shoved Poison away from the crowd of blood-lusty dracs, causing him to fall yet again into the hot sand, away from the dracs and scarecrows. Much bickering continued as the dracs argued that they never get to "have any fun". As the arguement dragged on and on, Poison tried to regain himself. To his suprise when he looked up, he saw his beloved raygun and trusty mask a few feet away from him. He crawled, hoping the dracs weren't going to notice. He looked behind him to see they were too heated about their current arguement that they seemed to not give a shit anymore. Poison crawled and crawled and reached out his weak hand for his mask
"HEY!" shouted a drac, as he aimlessly pulled out his raygun to shoot at Poison. Poison panicked and sat up as he grabbed his raygun. There was so much aching pain and everything happened so fast. Poison aimed his gun but before he could pull the trigger, a raybeam came from nowhere and shot down the drac. The others gasped and looked around, they didn't see where the mysterious fire was coming from.

"Search over there!" demanded a scarecrow as the dracs abandoned the rebel to find this enemy. Poison saw this as a get away. He tried to get up to run but he was too hurt. He stumbled upon the desert, away from the dracs and scarecrows. He saw him in the distance, two rayguns in hand, next to the rusty TransAM. Fun Ghoul.

"Fun Ghoul!" Poison shouted but he stumbled to get out the words "H-Help!" 
After Poison yelled, the dracs saw he was running from them. 
"HE'S GETTING AWAY- AFTER HIM" commanded a scarecrow.  Then it was havoc. 
"Poison! Get in the TransAM" shouted Fun Ghoul. He fired off a few more shots as he snapped at Poison "Now!' 
Poison weakly stood up and stumbled his way to the TransAm. Fire zoomed passed above his head as he remained low to the ground, darting to the car door. Tripping as soon as he reached the security of the car, he fell to the ground scrpaing his hands. 
"Poison, get in now!" demanded Fun Ghoul getting quickly impatient as he fired off a hail of bullets at the scarecrows and dracs. Poison grabbed the backseat door and threw himself in, closing the door forcefully. Ghoul soon followed as he slammed the drivers side door shut and started the car. It hummed flawlessly and Fun Ghoul hit the gas as hardas he could,ignoring the amount of viloent fire from the dracs and scarecrows.Fastly accelerating, the speed caused Party Poison's head to jerk back.

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