Chapter 4: SING

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Chapter 4: SING

 Jet Star was up by now. He had read the note Poison had left behind next to their coffee machine:

Kid and Jet,
Don't worry about Fun Ghoul and I. We were up too early and thought
we should knock out a morning patrol run. We'll be back soon, we are
only taking a drive down Route Guano. Just relax,I know yesterday was
a long day for all of us. Lets just call today an off day.. everyone needs
a little rest. There's some left over coffee if you would like some, special
brew I picked up from the market - really delicious! 
Party Poison

        Jet helped himself to a cup of coffee and walked over to the couch where Kobra Kid was sleeping on.
"Hey Kid" Jet said in an almost whisper. "Look alive, its almost noon". 
Kobra made a tiny moan and wiped his eyes. He grabbed the magazine off of his chest and  threw it on the floor. He winced as he sat up, his back was sore and hurting. 
"That couch is a piece of shit" he said as he was stretching. Kobra yawned and opened his eyes. "Hey where'd you get the coffee?" he could smell the nice aroma of it's freshness with a hint of vanilla bean or sugar or something amazing; something he has not smelled in a long time. 
"Poison made some, said he got it from Zone 5. Try some, its super good." Jet took another sip and walked to one of the boarded up windows. There was a tiny peeping hole that he looked through. He was on the look out for Poison and Ghoul to come back.
"Where'd they go?" asked Kobra asked as he groggily walked to the coffee machine.
" Route Guano" he said as he looked out the window. He didn't see anything so he turned back to Kobra, whom was indulging in his coffee by now. Jet began to go for the couch. "They went on a morning patrol" Jet stopped while he was about to sit down. "Should we go meet up with them?" asked Jet "We got the bike. We''ll just get suited up and hop on" 
Kobra sighed "The bike is busted, we blew out the engine yesterday.. I was planning on working on it today" 

        Jet had forgotten about that. Yesterday they got caught up with wrong group of people out near Zone 4. It was exhilarating and almost a near death experience all because some random rebel wanted the supplies they had picked up at the market in Zone 5. Luckily they got enough food to last them a few more days, Kobra found some new magazines and the only thing the rebels really took were some spare car parts in which Fun Ghoul had picked up to upgrade the TransAM a little. Of course Ghoul was mad about that, but as long as no one was hurt, Jet saw it as good day. Jet was relaxing on the couch and reading the magazine Kobra was glued to last night. 
"Hey Jet, Ill be out back" Said Kobra as he put on his aviators. "I'll just be working on the bike"
"Come inside if you see anything, you hear Kobra?" said Jet not looking up from the zine. 
"I hear ya!" said Kobra as he was walking out the door. It creaked open and made a loud thud as the door closed. 

        Jet was reading and article on BL/Ind and how it's "brightened the worlds future for a better tomorrow" . What a bunch of bullshit. He tossed the magazine to the side and walked to the radio. He clicked the dial and fuzz buzzed over the radio. Static filled the tiny boom box and then Dr. D blasted through the airways
"Live from the sky and blasting those tunes right to you. This next one is comin at you live- sit back and soak up those rays- this song is called SING" The song started and Ray turned it up a little. He made his may to the kitchen and began to take out some cans to make lunch so that it would be ready for Poison and Ghoul when they would come back. He took out a can of pup food. Gross but all they really could find affordable. They've all learned to dealt with it. Fun Ghoul even says sometimes it tastes like chicken. Jet was opening up the cans when his transmitter began to buzz, Its signal was weak but someone was trying to call him.

krrrrzzztt"Jet-"zzzzzzzzt "Kid..Kobra Kid" kkkrrrr "ANYONE" zzzztttttzzzz

Jet rushed to the transmitter "Fun Ghoul! Is that you?" all Jet could hear was static and the faint sound of someone trying to speak. "Ghoul! Are you okay??" 
"Jet Star"  said a voice clearly this time. It was Party Poison.
"Poison? What's happening?" Jet asked. He was holding the transmitter in his hand and was pacing back and forth. He began to grab his things as he talked to his friend.
"Jet, there's a problem on Route Guano. We've spotted some dracs and we see one of the head exterminators. They're looking for her.. They're looking for the girl!" Poison sounded panicked 
"Calm down..Where is she?" asked Jet "Isn't she with you??" 
"She ran off!" yelled Poison "She had a letter to her mother or something and she wanted to put it in one of those 'Phoenix Witch' boxes".
"Okay okay okay" said Jet Star "Kobra and I are on our way now"
Poison cut off Jet "No! Jet, I need Kobra to stay behind"
"Poison we need his help" insisted Jet.
"He's helping by staying behind and watching the diner. The dracs are everywhere.. if they find the diner, someone needs to be there to protect it". Poison was set on leaving Kobra behind for his own safety and I don't think Jet was going to be able to change Poison's mind. "Jet, do you understand? Leave him at the diner" 
Jet hesitated "Okay.. Okay, he'll stay"
"Good.. Come quickly, Jet. Poison Out." and like that Party Poison was off air.
        Jet began to grab his jacket, his ray-gun and his boots. He laced up his shoes and grabbed his helmet. He took his aviators and a spare bandanna off of the  coffee table. In front of the couch. He busted out the door and ran to the back of the diner. There was Kobra Kid, just finishing working on the bike. He had his aviators and a yellow bandanna covering his face. Some motor oil was smeared on his cheek. He looked up from his work.
"Hey Jet! I think I fixed it!" Kobra looked at it proudly and then back to Jet. He noticed he was fully dressed, like he was ready to go somewhere, "Where are you going?" He pulled down the bandanna and took off his aviators and looked at Jet Star's worried face
"Kobra Kid, I need the bike ASAP" yelled Jet as he began to mount the bike. 
"What the fuck?" Kobra was confused "Where are you going??"
"They need help down at Route Guano, some dracs showed up"
"I need to come" said Kobra "You're gonna need more help."
Kobra began to go towards the diner to grab his GOOD LUCK helmet and his ray gun. Jet grabbed Kobra Kid's arm and stopped him.
"No! Kobra, we need you to stay here and guard the dinner" 
"What? No its a diner, it'll be fine.. I'm coming with you Jet!" insisted Kobra Kid.
"Poison said so.. sorry  Kid" Jet started the bike and its engine purred beautifully. "Good job on the bike, Kid. Sounds nice"
        Jet then put on his helmet and sped off down Route Guano and leaving Kobra Kid in the dust. Kid was angry. Why couldn't he go? He kicked the sand up and it flew up to the air. He ran to the door and went inside and slammed it shut. Kobra sat on the couch.
"Update from the zones, killjoys" rang out Dr. D. It made Kobra jump. I guess Jet Star forgot to turn off the radio before he left. "S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W 's have been spotted on Route Guano. We have some of the Fab Four on the scene.I'll keep you updated, rebels. Stay safe and keep on running out there. Dr. D is out of the airways."
        Kobra Kid wasn't going to just sit around and leave his team out there. They needed him. No matter what Party Poison said. He got up and grabbed his things and ran out the door. He then took off down Route Guano on foot, He would help no matter what. 

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