Chapter 7: Jet Star and Kobra Kid/ Traffic Report

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Chapter 7: Jet Star And The Kobra Kid/Traffic Report

        The sun was begining to set on the plains of the desert.The world was growing darker as Fun Ghoul and Party Poiosn silently rode back in the TransAM. It was quiet, and that's exactly how Posion wanted it to be.He rested his head against the window while sitting in the passengers seat. He was still in shock over his best friend and his brothers death. He couldn't help but feel as if it was his fault. The pain was agonizing and left Poison alone and numb. Fun Ghoul on the other hand was driving. His stern face showed no emotion, yet he felt pain on the inside. He couldn't imagine what Poison was going through, though he wasn't the only one hurting. He was drinving the TransAM speeding down Guano, making an effort to get to their diner soon.

        After what seemed like an endless car ride, the two boys arrived at home. Ghoul parked the TransAM and  turned off the ignition. 
"Poison... we're home" he said as he reached for Poison's shoulder. He meant to just pat him comfortingly but whenGhoul touched his friend's shoulder, he winced in pain. Both Poison and Ghoul had forgotten about the injuries they suffered from that battle.
"Poison.. let's get you inside so i can wrap that shoulder of yours, okay?" Poison sat in silence for a second then nodded.
"Okay" he spoke quietly. Poison then pushed open his car door, got out and slammed it shut behind him. Fun Ghoul followed Poison and locked the doors behind him.  

        The two killjoys burst through the door. Everything in this abandoned diner was the same way Jet and Kid had left it that afternoon. The cans were half open. Fun Ghoul suspected Jet Star was preparing lunch. The entire room reeked of motor oil. Poison thought of Kid working long, hard hours on the bike then walking inside to take a nap. The radio was still on blaring as loud as it could. Dr D's voice blared through the speaker and to Poisons suprise, Death Defying wasn't giving his daily traffic report. 

"Bad News in the Zones tumbleweeds" buzzed in Dr. D
"It looks like Jet Star and the Kobra Kid had a clap with the exterminator and uh got themselves ghosted.. Dusted out on Route Guano." 

"Poison" Fun Ghoul said calmingly " Do you want me to turn it off?" Obviously Poison wasn't paying attention to Ghoul. His eyes were focused on the radio. Fun Ghoul began to make his way to the boom box so that he could turn it off. Party Poison grabed Ghoul's arm  and shook his head 'No'. Poison was listening to Dr D, one of his main heroes, mourn the loss of his two best friends. Nothing could have made Posion any better but to hear Death Defying express his sorrow. It was a bitter sweet suprise. 
"So it's time to hit the red line and upthrust the volume out there" He said, now resuming his usual raspy DJ voice. Party Poison sat down in the dusty booth where the stero sat as he placed his elbows on the table and rested his head inbetweens his hands, covering his eyes while letting out a quiet sigh. Fun Ghoul soon followed Poison with and old first aid kit the had in the back of one of the kitchen cabinets. Fun Ghoul placed the kit next to the boom box
"Keep your boots tight" hummed Dr D "Keep your gun close-"
Fun Ghoul opened the kit and pulled out some skimpy bandages and a few pieces of tape. He found some rubbing alcohol in the bottom of the box and pulled it out. 
"Poison" he said softly, not wanting to startle him "Poison, can you take off your jacket?" Posion didn't look up.
"Poison" repeated Fun Ghoul. Poison still didn't move. Ghoul hated having to do everything himself, but it was the least he could do. Fun Ghoul slipped over to the other side of the booth and sat next to Poison who was still focusing on the radio. Ghoul then curled his fingers around the collar of Party Poison's jacket and slid it down his shoulders. Poison looked up for a second and arched his arms back to give Ghoul a chance to take off the jacket without hurting any of the injuries Poison had suffered. As soon as Ghoul pulled itoff of his arms, Poison resumed his previous position, not focusing on Fun Ghoul anymore. Ghoul laid it on the booth across from them and began to go to work. He examined Poison's wounds very carefully, making sure not to touch them the wrong way. He grabbed a piece of cloth from his old and ragged shirt and tore it off. He then wet this cloth with rubbing alcohol.
"This is gonna sting like a bitch, Poison" said Ghoul "Just try not to move so much" 
Ghoul then took a deep breath and pressed the cloth on Poison's right shoulder where he was shot. Poison let out a yelp and grasped his mouth with his left hand. Biting down on his fingers as the pain lingered and tensed up on his right shoulder, Poison looked to Ghoul. Party Poison already had tears forming in his eyes before he began to clean the wound. Ghoul thought the pain this alcohol was giving him probably wasnt't helping Poison hold back his tears. Ghoul let go and began to wipe away the excess alcohol with another piece of dry cloth ripped from his shirt.
He then proceeded to wrap Poisons shoulder in some of the bandages and taped him up.  
"Poison.. is that comfortable?" Fun Ghoul asked. Poison didn't answer. "Poison?" 
A loud sound of static filled the room making the two boys jump. It was just the radio waves losing connection. The radio station tuned in and out.
"-and die with your mask on if you've got to-" said Dr D through the static. Poison pounded the table scaring Fun Ghoul again.
"Why isn't working?"demanded Poison. 
"Dude, we always get a weak signal. Chill out" said Fun Ghoul. Party Poison then lashed out on the stereo, hitting the side over and over. 
"Why isn't working?!" The static buzzed in and out. 
"-Here is the traffic" concluded Dr. Death Defying then the radio went blank. Poison threw it across the room, having it hit the wall and busting the batteries open.
"That's it??" shouted Party Poison "That's all he had to say?" 
Fun Ghoul was taken aback by Poison's behavior. Frankly, he was sick of his friend being so childish. "Poison! What the fuck?" said Fun Ghoul. Ghoul got out of the booth and went over to the busted stereo.He kneeled down and grabbed the stray batteries and tried to place them back in the stero. 
"Don't try and fix that piece of shit!" said Party Poison to Fun Ghoul bitterly "Who needs it anyway." Poison got up and began to make his way to the door. "I'm gonna go take a walk" huffed Poison. 
"Hell no you're not" demanded Fun Ghoul as he stood up "Where do you even plan on going, Poison?" Poison just glared at Fun Ghoul.
"Shut up, Ghoul why don't you stop acting like a fucking parent for one second and let me be"
Ghoul tilted his head as advanced to Poison. "Really Poison?" he said agressivley. "Really?" There was a long pause as Fun Ghoul go up close to Party Poison. The two stared each other down.
"You know maybe I wouldn't have to act like a parent if you weren't acting like a child! Jesus Christ, Poison"  shouted Fun Ghoul. He scoffed at how ignorant Party Poison was being. "Could you really act this stupid? You're not the only one who lost someone today!" Poison was shocked and raised his voice back at Ghoul.
"It's different" he shouted "Did you loose your brother?" 
"I did!" said Ghoul, right in Poison's face, inching closer and closer "Jet Star and Kobra Kid were like my brothers too! You can't act like you're going through this alone when I'm right beside you" Poison felt angry and uncomfortable and pushed Ghoul back, sending him stumbling and almost triping on his own feet.
"Get out of my face! Just stop it!" Party Poison shouted loudly. Fun Ghoul's temper got the best of him and before he knew it, he ran head on and charged at poison. He had grabbed Poison by the collar of his tank top, picked him up and threw him to the couch. Poison hit it with a great force and it sent pain through his shoulder when he hit the tough cushions. He yelped in pain and grabbed the unraveling bandages as agony pulsed through his wounds. Ghoul didn't mean to throw him that hard and he instantly realized what he had done. He cautiously walked over to Poison who was now whimpring in pain as he tried to retape the bandages himself.  He sat on the couch next to him.
"Poison" said Ghoul softly. At that moment Party Poison stopped fumbling with the bandages. He looked into Fun Ghoul's eyes, which were tired and blood shot. Ghoul saw the sadness and anger and isolation in Poison's eyes, if only he knew a way to make the pain stop. The looked to eachother, neither dared to speak for a while. Suddenly Ghoul broke the silence. 
"Poison, I-" Ghoul began to apologize but Party Poison wouldn't let him finish. He helplessly threw himself at Fun Ghoul, wrappping his embrace around his friend tightly and crying into Ghoul's shoulder. 
"I wish it would have been me" spoke Poison. His voice was muffled as his head rested in Ghoul's shirt. Fun Ghoul's heart sank and all he could do was wrap his arms around his best friend and comfort him while he cried. Poison sobbed.
"I wish it would have been me" Poison repeated. Those words hurt Ghoul and brought tears to his eyes. Fun Ghoul squeezed his embrace tighter.
"Me too, bud" said Ghoul as he brought Poison to him closer and rested his head on top of his friends head. "Me too"

        There they were. The two remainig killjoys, held close together by eachothers true love and friendship. It was getting late, the both were tired and soon they fell asleep.Fun Ghoul rested on the couch as Party Poison rested on the floor. Never had Fun Ghoul shown this much affection to anyone in his life ever. Never had Party Poison opened up to someone that easily and publicly cried in the arms of a friend. But the truth was, they both kinda needed that. It was a tough time for the Fabulous Four- now two, and they would only be able to get through that together.

        Though Fun Ghoul fell asleep fast that night, Poison layed awake. The fight wasn't over yet. Wrath still boiled inside of him as he though more and more of what BL/Ind had taken away. Jet Star. Kobra Kid. The girl.
The Girl. Poison thought of her constantly.

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