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It was amazing how easily George and I seemed to click. We spent hours at the bar, making our way through several beers each along with a good amount of fries and onion rings. But to my dismay, George rose to his feet at around one in the morning.

"Well I do have work tomorrow, and if I show up exhausted and hungover I'll get in trouble. Can I take you home?" he asked, holding out a hand. 

I took his hand with a smile, heart pattering against my ribs. 

"That you may."

He hooked his arm through mine, giving it a squeeze as he paid our tabs despite my protests and led me out of the bar. Neither of us was exactly drunk, but the cold early morning air did wonders to sober us up completely. 

"So did you want to come to the show tomorrow? I can hook you up with a ticket without any issue!" he said, giving me a smile. 

"Would I be able to see you at the show?" I asked almost shyly.

"Of course! I'll be on--I'll be backstage during the show, but I can do my best to catch up with you after!" he said.

I leaned against his side as we walked.

"Well now how could I turn down that offer?" I said playfully.

"I'm not sure, I hope you don't figure it out," he said with a wink, drawing to a halt outside the entrance to my apartment complex. 

"So I guess this is goodbye until tomorrow?" I asked, and he let out a sigh.

"I guess so. Here, let me write down your address, I'll slip a ticket in your mailbox! The show's at 8," he said, giving me a smile. 

"I can't wait to see you again! And I'm excited to see Kiss perform too. I guess I can see how you are on the drums," I teased, and he gave me a startled look.

"I mean as the drum tech!" I said, and to my bewilderment he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Right, right. Sorry, just a bit tipsy," he said with a laugh. "It is late and I must unfortunately be going, I bid you buona notte and look forward to seeing you tomorrow," he said, picking up my hand and giving it a kiss. 

I nearly melted at the sweet gesture, opting to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 

"Very excited to see you," I said, waving goodbye and heading upstairs, flopping onto my bed with a dreamy sigh. 

I drifted off into a happy sleep, thoughts filled with George and excitement of the show tomorrow.

Sure enough, there was a ticket in my mailbox when I woke up, and I spent the day anxiously waiting for eight o'clock to roll around. I walked up to the ticket man at the arena, showing him mine. An usher nodded, taking me to my seat, and I felt my jaw drop as I realized just how close to the stage I was. I was in the front row! 

"Oh George," I murmured, hoping desperately I'd be able to meet up with him and thank him profusely for the ticket.

The show was just as amazing as I had heard it would be! The pyros and effects were amazing, and I was absolutely enthralled by the band. Gene's bloodspitting and firebreathing, Ace's flaming guitar, and Paul's beautiful voice were amazing, but by far my favorite part were Peter's drum solo!

Unfortunately it came to an end far too soon. Peter walked to the edge of the stage with the rest of the band, to my surprise giving me a wink and a smile as he took his bows. There was a pause as he made eye contact with me, smile growing, before he tossed me his drumsticks. I caught them, holding them against my chest in disbelief, heart starting to race. 

He gave me a wave before taking a final bow, vanishing as the curtain dropped in front of him, leaving me standing there in shock and awe. 

I waited around for a bit, hoping George would show up, but after an hour I cut my losses and headed home, dreams full of the four kabuki-faced rockers. 

To my surprise, I woke up to another letter in my mailbox.


So, so sorry I couldn't catch you after the show! The band's playing another one in town tomorrow though, so I enclosed another ticket for you! Peter Criss, the drummer, also asked me to throw in a backstage pass if you feel so inclined. No guarantee I'll be able to find you as I'll probably be dealing with the drums, but hey you can meet the band at least!

Hope to see you soon!

Tanto Amore,

George C.

I lifted out the ticket, setting it aside in favor of staring at the hard plastic backstage pass, feeling my cheeks grow pink. Peter had asked me backstage! Peter Criss, the drummer of Kiss, had asked me backstage. Well, not exactly, he hadn't personally asked me, but he had given me a backstage pass. And on top of that, he had smiled and winked at me and given me his drumsticks! 

I felt my heart race at just the thought of him, before shaking my head. George was the one I should be focusing on. I had a shot with the drum tech of Kiss, but as for the actual drummer, that was a bit more of a longshot. And besides, I hadn't even met Peter. I had met George, he was a total sweetheart who I desperately wanted to see again. 

But I couldn't deny that I might have the beginnings of a crush on one Mr. Peter Criss.

Hard Luck Woman: A Y/N x Peter Criss StoryWhere stories live. Discover now