A Rose

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I was even more excited for the second show! I was taken to the front seat again and as soon as the curtain dropped I immediately found myself staring at Peter. He was a beast on the drums, and poured his soul out singing Beth. I had tears in my eyes as the song drew to a close, and although I was close to the stage, I couldn't tell exactly, but it seemed as though he did too.

As Peter stood up to the sound of thundering applause, he walked to the edge of the stage, still holding the rose, before smiling, locking eyes with me and tossing it to me. 

Absolutely stunned, I caught the rose, taking a deep sniff of it's beautiful fragrance and giving him a smile. 

He blew me a kiss and I nearly swooned, watching him return to his drumkit as the piano was pushed offstage. The girl next to me, who was adorned in a poor imitation of Peter's makeup, gave me a furious glare, looking longingly at the rose in my hands. But I just held it closer to my heart, with absolutely no intention of letting go. 

As soon as the show ended I made my way backstage, desperate to meet up with Peter. I moved through the hall, looking for him, but only stumbled across the Demon instead.

"Excuse me? Mr. Simmons?" I called.

He drew to a halt, turning to look at me. 

"Well aren't you a beautiful thing?" he purred.

I smiled, flattered in spite of myself, before shaking my head.

"Thank you, but I'm actually looking for Peter Criss's drum tech," I said sheepishly.

"His drum tech? Now how the hell am I supposed to know that?" he grumbled. "Oh, you mean Vince?"

"Not not Vince, his name's George!" 

"He got a last name?" he asked, giving me a flat look.

"George Criscuola," I said, and he gave me a baffled look.

"But that's--alright whatever, I'll just take you to Peter, I'm sure he knows," he said, muttering something under his breath before leading me to the dressing room. 

"Wait out here, I'll get him for you," he said, before rolling his eyes and pushing aside the curtain. "Hey, Pete! You've got a chick looking for your drumtech George," he snapped. 

There was a pause before the curtain was pushed aside and Peter stepped out, giving me a smile. 

I felt my breath catch as I stared at him, looking him up and down. He was gorgeous, with beautiful brown eyes framed with green and then ringed with black paint, plump red lips pushed into a smile. I traced every inch of him, eyes roving over the tight spandex suit that was hugging his frame, looking at his bare chest and hoping my face wasn't as red as it felt. 

"And to whom do I owe the pleasure?" he asked, and I jumped. 

"Oh, I-I'm Y/N. Thank you very much for the backstage pass, and-and the drumsticks and the rose, it was very kind of you."

"What'd you think of the show?" he asked. 

"It was amazing! Oh my gosh you were wonderful, you were so good on the drums and your songs were just the best part of the show, you've got the most beautiful voice!" I gushed. 

He gave me a smile. "Thank you. I heard you were looking for George though?" he asked.

I blinked, startled as I remembered the real reason I was backstage. 

"Oh, yes! He was the one who got me the ticket, do you know where he is so I can find him and say hello?" I asked. 

"Here, I'll take you to the greenroom and have you wait there and relax while I go find him and send him in to you," Peter said, giving me a smile and slipping an arm around my waist, pulling me against his side. 

I froze for a moment before melting against him, letting him walk me down the hall. He smelled like a mix of sweat and gunpowder smoke, and was much taller than me thanks to his platform boots. We reached the greenroom and he gave me a squeeze. 

"I'll send George in to find you," he said, kissing me on the forehead and walking off. 

I sat on one of the couches, heart racing. He was an absolute dream. Kind and sweet and oh so handsome already, and I could only imagine he was gorgeous without it. But I wasn't here for him, I was here for George. 

I had to wait for close to an hour before the door swung open and George walked in.

"Hey! So sorry I'm late, I got caught up backstage. What'd you think of the show? Actually wait, want to tell me what you thought of the show over dinner?" he asked.

I felt my heart begin to flutter and smiled, rising to my feet.

"I'd love that," I murmured, letting him take my hand. 

"Oh that's a nice rose! Who'd you get that from?" he asked. 

"Peter gave it to me," I murmured, looking at it with a very fond smile.

Hard Luck Woman: A Y/N x Peter Criss StoryWhere stories live. Discover now