Screw Up

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Peter POV

I walked down the stairs from Y/N's apartment, feeling absolutely heartbroken. She told me to get out, that we were done. In other words, she had dumped me, and rightly so. I had lied to her for months, flirting with her as Peter while dating her as George. I had only wanted to make sure that she loved me for me, not for the rock star life. I had been thrilled when she told me that she was in love with George, because that meant she actually loved me for me. Well, she had at least. I had ruined it. 

I had kept the secret, probably confused her too. And for what? I was being almost cruel to her, flirting with her as two people, pulling her in two different directions, keeping her strung between two men, dating her as one and flirting with her as the other. Why? Why had I done it? Because I liked the thrill of the secrecy? Because I liked the game I was playing?

Scowling, I wiped away a tear, getting into my car and letting out a sigh, resting my head on the steering wheel.

"Dammit, Peter. You idiot," I muttered at myself, driving the hour or so back to my place. 

To my dismay, Gene's car was parked out front and he was sitting on my doorstep, reading a newspaper as he waited for me. 

"What the hell do you want?" I snapped, in no mood to talk as I walked up to my front door, unlocking it. 

"I wanted to talk with you about when you think you'll be free to work on our next album. You've got makeup on your face, by the way," he said, rising to his feet and following me without me inviting him inside.

"I know," I muttered, turning on the sink and grabbing a towel, scrubbing my face aggressively. 

"Why did you even have it on?" he asked and I closed my eyes.

"Because I told Y/N that Peter Criss was the same person as George Criscuola," I said with a sigh, and he nearly choked on the soda he had gotten out of my fridge.

"You still hadn't told her?! It's been months! What the hell man, you've been flirting with her every time you're in makeup while pretending you were someone else while you were dating her?!" he cried in disbelief.

"I'm sorry!" I snapped.

"I didn't say anything because I had just assumed you had told her and were flirting with her since you two were dating! Poor chick man, why the hell did you string her along like that?" he asked.

"I don't know! Doesn't matter, since she broke up with me," I said angrily.

"So that's it? You're just gonna give up?" he asked in disbelief. 

"Well what am I supposed to do?" I asked. 

"Oh I don't know, tell her you love her and do some serious apologizing?" he said, arching an eyebrow. 

"What do I even say?" I asked miserably, and he let out a sigh, clapping a hand on my shoulder. 

"Peter. Apologize. Tell her you were sorry, tell her you only did it because you were scared of her only loving you for your money, apologize, say that you got scared and didn't know how to explain things, but that you really do love her, and you want to date her," he said.

"The fact you know exactly what to say concerns me," I said, and he smirked with a shrug.

"I've had similar issues before. It's nothing you can't fix. You're a good guy, and I'm sure she really loves you. Assuming you love her, I'm sure you'll be fine. Just sacrifice your dignity and beg," he said. 

I let out a groan, running a hand through my hair.

"I should've just listened to you," I moaned.

"You should have. You should listen to me about several things, and yet here we are. So anyway, when're you available to work on the next album?" he asked, already moving on to business as usual. That's how he was. 

Unfortunately I wasn't as consistently reliable, meaning I was far more likely to screw things up, as I had with Y/N. I could only hope his advice would be enough to help me save it.

Hard Luck Woman: A Y/N x Peter Criss StoryWhere stories live. Discover now