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I nestled into the seat, letting out a yawn and curling up in the chair, lulled by the steady rhythm of the jet as we flew. Peter had gone off to talk to the pilot so I was doing my best to stay awake while I waited for him to get back. My eyelids felt heavy and I let out a yawn, leaning against the chair. 

A blanket draped over me and I lifted my head, giving Peter a smile as he tucked me in. 

"We've got like forty-five minutes to go, you're welcome to take a nap," he murmured, sitting in the seat beside me. 

"Thanks," I said, wrapping the blanket more around me.

"You're welcome! Ace and I usually use the plane ride to sleep off hangovers so we always keep some blankets on board," he said with a smile. "You want a pillow? I think I can find one for you."

"No, no, it's okay. This is perfectly good enough," I said, barely stifling a yawn.

"Seriously, take a nap!" he said. "It is late, and you're in your pajamas. Makes sense you're tired," he said. 

I smiled, giving in and closing my eyes. 

"Alright. Wake me up when we land," I said, dropping off to a blissful sleep. 

"Hey. Y/N. We're here," Peter murmured what felt like only a minute later, shaking me gently. 

I lifted my head, giving him a bleary look before smiling. 

"You sleep well?" he asked, helping me to my feet. 

"I did. So what exactly are you showing me?" I asked, following him off the plane. 

"My home! I want to show you my house, I want you to get to know me. No more lies, no more secrets," he said, taking my hand and leading me down the steps.

I left my hand in his as we took a cab, finally letting him slip his arm around my waist and pull me against his side. 

"I'm still mad you lied," I muttered after a pause, and he nodded, giving me a squeeze.

"I know. It's okay. It's okay if it takes you time to forgive me. Just know that I'm really sorry. I just got caught up in things, but that's no excuse," he said. 

I smiled softly, leaning against him, resting my head on his shoulder. 

"I know. I guess I forgive you," I said. 

He hesitated for a moment before giving me a soft kiss on the cheek. Eventually we reached his house and after paying the cab driver he took my hand and led me up to the front door, fumbling with his keys before pushing open the door and leading me inside.

"Here, look around!" he said cheerfully. "No more lies or secrets, so what's mine is yours." 

Before I could respond, his phone began to ring and he let out a sigh. 

"Oh, I've got a pretty good idea who that is," he said, picking up the phone. "Y'ello?" 

Gene: Peter! What the hell are you doing?! Where the hell is the plane?! Get your ass back here or so help me you'll be out of the band!

Gene was shouting so loud that I could hear him clearly but Peter just smiled.

"I will you big dumbass, give me two hours. I'll be back before we leave tomorrow. I'll be back in two hours, promise! Alright love ya bye!" he said, hanging up before giving me a smile. 

"So we've got a bit of a time crunch. Let me take you around!" he said, grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze. 

He led me through his house, showing me everything he thought would interest me, every little personal affect that he thought my interest me, going as far as to showing me a photo album of when he was a kid, down to his baby photos. 

With a sigh, he turned to me. 

"Alright, it's time to go. Gene will absolutely murder me if I'm not home in time. Will you come with us? With...with me?" he asked. "Like on tour with me, I know you don't have clothes with you but I'll buy you new ones, Y/N please, I love you and I'm sorry, please come with us on tour, I want to date you, be with you!" he said desperately. 

I smiled putting my arms around his neck, resting my forehead against his.

"Promise you won't lie again?" I asked. 

"I swear on my life," he murmured, giving me a soft kiss. 

"Then I guess we better get going," I said with a smile. 

His eyes absolutely lit up and he gave me a tight hug before giving me a much longer kiss this time, grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door with a laugh, and I couldn't help myself from smiling. 

Hard Luck Woman: A Y/N x Peter Criss StoryWhere stories live. Discover now