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Ana sat in the back of the venue, most people had already left at this point

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Ana sat in the back of the venue, most people had already left at this point. She knew her grandmother's funeral would be large with the amount of people she had gotten to know overtime, in addition to all of the honorifics that came with her title. She barely registered Monica's eulogy, she knew that the words made her cry but that was about it. Her mother was handling most of the guests, it actually was the first time that Ana hadn't done this.

It was even the first time that she was letting herself break down like this. Her grandmother was everything to her. It even hurt knowing what Steve must be going through. Steve had only been able to visit her grandmother once before she died. She was glad he got to see her before then and she got to see him.

Goose came up and rubbed her body against Ana's leg and purred. Ana bent down and picked her up, she stroked her fur as Steve approached her. He had dried tears under his eyes and on his cheeks, similar to Ana, but Ana's eyes were red and puffy.

He took the seat beside her and didn't say a word. Instead, they sat in silence and in comfort of each other's company. Neither wanted to talk, but having someone there was enough for both of them.

Ana answered the call by tapping at her earpiece, "What's up, Uncle Nick?"

"If you'd actually check your phone, you'd know. Another mission with Captain Rogers and Agent Romanoff."

"Oh?" Ana took her phone out of the pocket of her sweats and went through the details, "An extraction. Is that all it is?"

"That is all it is. How is Goose?"

Ana started to get dressed as Goose jumped up onto her bed. She glanced at the cat and knew that Nick was using a code. "Goose is sleeping. Do you want her to come for a visit?"

"Yes, I want to see her."

Ana immediately scowled because now she knew whatever her and Natasha were extracting would be important. "Well, alright, I'll get her to you as soon as possible."

"Alright, kid."

Ana shut her phone down and dropped on her bed next to Goose, "Hey girlie." Goose rubbed her head against Ana's thigh and purred softly, but it was almost sad, "I miss grandma too."

A honking coming from outside of her apartment signaled Ana that Natasha was already there. She ran out of her place and approached her, "Nice car."


"Are we going to pick up Steve or do I get to sit shotgun?"

"Sorry, Ana, you're small enough to fit in the back and with Rogers' giant muscles he'd never fit back there."

Ana scrunched her nose as she tilted her head to the side with a long laugh, "I feel like I'm always sidelined with you two."

"Oh, come on." Natasha backed out of the parking lot of the apartment complex, "No one is sidelining you. I could never do that."

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