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Ana made it back to The Triskelion, which was the headquarters for Shield here in Washington

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Ana made it back to The Triskelion, which was the headquarters for Shield here in Washington. She was not entirely happy lying to Steve about her mission. Ana crossed her arms from her spot leaning on the wall, "I can guarantee that Steve is heading here. What exactly are you not sharing with me, Uncle Nick? I thought you said you trusted me."


Steve walks into Fury's office, his eyes catch sight of Ana but he ignores her, "You just can't stop yourself from lying, can you?"

"I didn't lie." Fury answers truthfully, "Agent Romanoff and Agent Walker had a different mission than yours."

"Which you didn't feel obliged to share, or have Ana and Natasha share." Steve wanted to be angry with Ana, but he knew that she was under orders to not share this information with others. Ana was a good person and her trust of others can hurt her.

"I'm not obliged to do anything."

"The hostagest could've died, Nick."

Fury wasn't even affected by his words, "I sent the greatest soldier in history to make sure that didn't happen."

"You giving this mission to Ana is making me feel as though I've misplaced my trust and I want to trust Ana. Soldiers trust each other, that's what makes it an army. Not a bunch of guys running around and shooting guns."

"The last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye." Fury gets up and leans on his desk, but Ana furrows her brows at this. She didn't know what happened to his eye but his story changed every time. "Look, I didn't want you doing anything you weren't comfortable with. Agent Romanoff is comfortable with anything. And Agent Walker trusts my judgement."

"I can't lead a mission when the people I'm leading have missions of their own."

"It's called compartmentalization." Fury tells him while walking around the desk, "Nobody spills the secrets because nobody knows them all."

"Except you."

"You're wrong about me." Fury guided for them to follow behind him, "I do share. I'm nice like that."

Ana walked into the elevator with them, "Where are we going?"

"Inside bay."

"Captain Rogers and Agent Walker do not have clearance for Project Insight."

"Director override, Fury, Nicholas J."


Ana leaned back against the wall and the silence overtook the three. Steve glanced up, "You know, they used to play music."

"I could sing." Ana offers as a joke.

"Don't." Fury points to her before he inhaled, "My grandfather operated one of these things for forty years. My granddad worked in a nice building, he got good tips. He'd walk home every night, roll of ones stuffed in his lunch bag. He'd say "hi", people would say hi back. Time went on, neighborhood got rougher. He'd say 'Hi', they'd say, 'Keep on steppin'. Granddad got to grippin' that lunch bag a little tighter."

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