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"Ana." Vision suddenly says as he's flying even closer to their home, "I'm going to drop you. Prepare yourself."

"What?" Ana grew confused as to why he said that to her until she saw that something resembling Vision but completely white was harming Wanda. "Oh, nevermind, I'm good."

Ana landed on the sidewalk as Vision rammed his body into the White Vision. She quickly got up and rushed over to Wanda to help her in any way.

"Ana-" Wanda breathed out before hugging her closely, "Thank God."

"What is happening?" Ana demands from her, "I remember Wanda, what happened before."

"I-" Wanda's cracked at the end, not knowing what to say.

Vision landed back down beside them, "Where are the boys?"

Wanda wipes the sweat off of her face, "They're in the house. Safe." She looked between the two of them, "I'm sorry. I should've told you both everything. The-The moment I realized what I had done."

"It's all right, Wanda." Vision responds to her softly, "I know why you made this world, but this..."

"I can fix it."

Ana releases a long sigh, "Wanda... Can you?"

The White Vision walks out of the flames created by Vision slamming him into a truck. And then, Agnes, or Agatha, appeared above a house in the distance.

"Oh, this is awkward." Agatha smirked in amusement as she started at the three, "Your ex and your boyfriend together at the same party. Who are you gonna choose, Wanda?"


"Well, well, look who we have here. Ana, seems like you don't remember everything yet." Agatha smirks in amusement, "Wanda tell you you're family yet?"


"Yeah, looks like your daddy was her Uncle." Agatha winks over at them, "I should look into more Maximoffs, see if I can find any other witches."

"Ana-" Wanda draws her attention to her and not on Agatha, "Please, this is our home."


Vision nods curtly at the two, "Then let's fight for it."

"Oh, what exactly is little Starlight going to do?" Agatha cackles loudly as Vision goes after White Vision, "She hasn't even unlocked her full potential."

Wanda used her powers to fly up into the air and looked down at Ana, "Ana-"

"I'll catch up." Ana nods her head with a reassuring smile as Agatha uses her powers to phase away, leaving a small mist of purple before disappearing.

Ana looked at her hands for a moment, she was like Wanda. That's what Agatha had said. She could be lying, but she had to at least try. She didn't know how Wanda did it, but she could mimic. Sparks of electricity appeared around her palms, the cars near her were shaking aggressively from her taking all the energy out of it. She floated up into the air and released a long airy laugh. Before she went in the direction after Wanda. But then she stopped. Her head turned around in confusion as the twins came running out of the house.

Snowman {Bucky Barnes}Where stories live. Discover now