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Ana had not worn a pencil skirt in years but here she was dressed more appropriately for Nexus

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Ana had not worn a pencil skirt in years but here she was dressed more appropriately for Nexus. She was surprised that she wasn't with Steve going after Dr. Cho. Ana didn't really question why Tony wanted her with him. She would be one of the only people who understand what was even going on in this place. Well, besides Bruce but he didn't want to Hulk out anytime soon so he stayed behind.

She exhaled, rather bored. Ana would have preferred being with Steve because at least she would be doing something. She currently just looked like arm candy to Tony Stark.

"A hacker who's faster than Ultron?" Tony stopped in front of the mainframe controls, "He could be anywhere. And as this is the center of everything, I'm just a guy looking for a needle in the world's biggest haystack."

"How do you find it?"

"Pretty simple." Tony responded when he noticed Ana just leaning against the wall, "You bring a magnet." He starts to playfully sing as he types, "Oh, I'm decrypting nuclear codes and you don't want me to. Come and get me."

"You seem far too excited to be here."

"And you're not?"

Ana shook her head, "Not really. I understand I'm smart but that doesn't mean I enjoy all of this."

"You like being the person punching things?"

"Nope." Ana popped the end of the word and peered at the monitor, "I don't really know, honestly. I think I just want to be useful and right now, I'm not that useful."

"You're keeping me company."

"Right, cause that really makes me feel like I'm doing a great job as an Avenger."

Tony typed one last thing and stepped back, "Well, I'll be damned."

Ana smiled at the screen, "So he's not gone."

"Doesn't seem like it." Tony closed out of whatever he was doing, "Thanks, boys, but I think we're done here. We should head back to the Tower, meat up with Banner."

Ana was definitely happy to know that Jarvis had been the one scrambling the nuclear codes, but that also meant that they needed to put Jarvis back together. Once back in the tower, Ana immediately went to work but for some reason the devices kept malfunctioning which forced Tony to stop her from helping.

"I think you're going to need to get those powers under control." Tony says to her while pointing a pen her way, "Or you can't touch my toys."

"Don't say it like that." Ana had her back slouched on the seat, "I don't know how to control it yet. It's not like I have anyone to help me. Maybe Thor, but he was raised the way he was."

"We'll figure something out."

Bruce came walking back into the room after taking a break from working on the Cradle, "Anything on Nat?"

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