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For Gab:
Who's the best CreepyPasta?
Well, I have to say... Jane and Clockwork!


For Author:
Favorite anime?
I don't really pick favorite, but If I had to choose, It's InuYasha

Which creepypasta I hate the most?
50% Jeff and 50%Nina

Which creepypasta waifu/husbando?
I don't have a waifu/husbando in the creepypasta, only favorites^^

How....how can you make such good book??? :>
Oh- well- it kinda came all in my mind, I try to create scenarios in my head in 3rd person, sometimes in 1st person on how I will write the story. Also thank you^^

Who is the most sane CreepyPasta?
Ooh- yikes- Hmm... Sane CreepyPasta... Bloody Painter I think? I haven't known his backstory yet, but for me. I think it's Bloody Painter.


For the CreepyPastas:
Question for Jeff: Do you find Nina annoying? Or who is your love interest?
Yes, I find Nina annoying, and love interest? Hm dunno, I'd rather wait for them to be legal.

Question for Jane: Is there any other reason why you want to kill walmart Joker- I mean Jeff?
First off, sweetie, Nice nickname for Jeff, and second, I don't think so.

Question for Ben: what video game do you hate/dislike the most?
Well, I like all video games, althoughhhh I do kinda dislike Mario Cart.

Question for E.J: Do you eat any other organ other than kidneys?
. . . . . N o

Question for Nina: If you liked another pasta other than Jeff, who would it be?
Well... This person is not a CreepyPasta... They're the best! They're funny! And kinda cooler than Jeff.

Question for Jeff: Who's the most annoying?
I have to say Nina, she kept bugging me calling me "My JefFeRy!1!!1" And she kinda changed? Idfk

Question for Ben: What's the most weirdest happened to you?
Well, there's a lot, but the thing that weirded me the most is that, Y/n. Didn't. Throw. A bucket of water on me. INSTEAD- THEY INVITED ME TO PLAY MINCRAFT WITH THEM-

So sorry if it's short!

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