Important Note

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Sorry for not being active recently, my motivation keeps yeeting itself out every time I open my google Docs. The same goes for my other book. I made this account for jokes but I didn't expect it to grow xD and I thank you for that.

Probably in the future I might start making Original books or Anime Fanfic using the talent I've got for writing. The possibilities of pausing this book is at 56%

Don't get me wrong, I love the Creepypasta fandom. But my mind and my body wanted me to take a break in CreepyPasta fandom...

I wanted to take a break from the fandom for months or who knows how long till I got my motivation back.

In any case this book is finished, It won't have a sequel, I'll leave you guys hanging around by the end of if, something like a cliffhanger, but I won't fill out the details at the end of it.

Theories are welcomed after this book is finished.

Like I said, the possibilities of pausing this book is at 56%. Who knows that next week this book is already paused.

And by that, thank you for reading. I hope you awesome people have a great day/afternoon/night.

Until next time!

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