•Final Goodbye•

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Y/n look through their belongings that are in the box, double checking if they have everything.

Their room is now just a plain room, the decorations around their room are no longer present— fixing their belongings inside the box.

They soon spotted a certain picture frame, a picture with the people they met so far in their life.

Removing the picture out, they tucked the picture in the box— soon closing it.

Y/n heard a familiar footsteps outside the door, “Hey, Y/n! Got everything ready?” Gab's voice can be heard at the other side of the door.

They let out a breath before replying back, “Yep! I'll be out in a minute!” They shouted, Gab replied with a small okay before leaving.

Y/n soon carried the box, almost tripping before gaining their balance back.

Opening the door and stepping out, but not before looking back to their old room.

Slightly smiling to themself, they shut off the light, the box they're carrying is on their leg, body slightly leaning against the door frame to support the weight. They again carried the box and went outside of the house.

“Oh hey Y/n! You ready moving out?” He asked with a smile, of course Y/n nodded in reply, “...Aren't you going to say goodbye to the others?” Gab asked once again. He grabbed the box that Y/n was carrying before placing it in the trunk.

Y/n shook their head, “No, it's the best if I don't. After all, they are just going to forget me years later.”

“Plus, not everything will last forever.” They added before walking to the car.

Gab shrugged and looked at the house, “Final Goodbye.” He mumbled.

He dusted his hands before placing them in his pockets.

Gab sighed before walking to the car and drove off, the truck following them.

Unknown to Gab. Y/n had already left goodbye letters to everyone. Everyone.

As for the readers, yes. You. The people who are reading this book, the people who stayed, the people who supported this book until the very end.

Thank you for everything. Until we meet again, fellow Creepypasta fans.

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