🥇ik you guys are just here for Freezerburn (ACTUAL CHAPTER I SWEAR)

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it's cool! They just groovin!!! shameless highschool au!! except it's not technically in the school!!

The screeching alarm ripped into Chills eardrums, sending him flying up. Though his hair was horrendously messed up, he still managed see through it as he twisted around to face his alarm. Disheveled by the rude awakening, it the boy a few moments to process the fact that he had accidently set it an hour late. However when he finally noticed it, he let out a massive, gravelly sigh.

He wasn't much worried about it; he hated his first three classes anyways. Though, he did regret the fact that he wasn't able to walk with his best friend to school. They always walked together, every single day since school started. Chill hated to break the tradition just because he didn't pay enough attention to his alarm clock, but it was too late.

After throwing his clothes on and brushing his teeth in a very timely manner, Chill grabbed a jacket and flung open the door. As soon as he stepped outside, he paused. Grill was sat on the curb in front of Chills house, feeding birds. The noise Chill made distracted him from what he was doing, and he flung around.

"Oh my god there you are." He said, attempting to act mad but the pitch of his voice gave away the fact that he was quite happy to see him.

Chill, still quite shocked, responded, "Uh yeah.. How long have you waited out here..?"

"an hour and a half."

The corner of Chills mouth tugged into a smile. He was shameless, why should he not be? The dedication was unexpected, though honestly adorable. Grill really was an all-or-nothing kind of person.

They stood there for a few awkward moments, before Chill just started walking towards the direction of the school, and Grill immediately followed.

"Your hair," Grill touched Chills hair. "You didn't have time to brush it, did you?"

"Well, thanks for pointing that out." Chill crossed his arms, scuffing his feet as he walked. "I didn't. Do you want to?"

Grill looked down, not trying to make eye contact. "We'll just be even more late.."

"Listen, man" Chill started. "whether its twenty minutes or two hours, its the same punishment. we can go to a coffee shop and hang out."

"You don't even have a hairbrush." Grill protested.

"I could just run back to the house."

"we've gone so far!"

"Then i'll buy one." As they argued, they walked closer together, bumping their shoulders against one another.

"That's so unnecessary, man!"

Chill finally grabbed Grill by the shoulders and leaned in close to his face. "I literally just want to hang out, dude. Forget about school, let's just skip. Okay?"

"I- uh.. okay.." Grill looked down, feeling himself grow hot, despite the morning December air. Chill smiled with excitement, pulling his hood over his head.

Of course, on their way to the shop they laughed and joked, pushing each other around on the sidewalk. Like friends do, right? except something was off. Not in a bad way, no. It was a warm, loving atmosphere. Both of them, so eager for something greater, yearning to someday go to an academy, and become something.

But that could wait.

Right now all they could focus on was the company on one another. The idea that this could—the idea that this WOULD end— was an awful thought. The cold, December air was swirling with snowflakes that powdered all that was exposed. The smell of cinnamon and pinewood carried throughout the streets, accompanied by distant Christmas music that could barely cut through the sound of the breeze rattling the wind chimes and trees. Streets were not busy, but shops were lit up with green and red LED lights that swirled around in the boys's eyes, lighting them up with character.

So tragic.. it was such a beautiful scene.

The smell of the coffee shop was not something one could easily miss. It was recognizable, even from a distance. As they approached, Grill audibly yawned, hovering his hand over his mouth. Tears of fatigue pricked at his bottom eyelashes, but he blinked them away.

"Where do you want to go after this?" Chill asked as they stepped into the shop and into the line. Grill shrugged his shoulders in response, zoning out to the quiet sound of chatter that emitted from the guests in the coffee shop.

After getting their drinks, the two sat outsides the shop on the curb. Chill found himself grow happy, like a buzzing pressure deep within his hes chest, spreading throughout his body in a pulse. His lips tugged into a grin, and he turned his head towards his friend.

"Man, I like you." He stated calmly, resting his cheek on his palm.

Grill turned red and faced the ground. He laughed nervously to himself in an attempt to play it off. "yeah.." he smiled. "I-uh- I like you too..I guess"

Chill sighed, staring at Grill, who has his drink clasped in both of his hands, because he is incapable of drinking regularly without fucking spilling it all over his chest and collar (projecting). The streetlights glared in his pupils, making him seem more focused that he probably was, and his cheeks were dusted pink, which stuck out on his pale skin. Chill eventually turned away, but placed a comforting hand onto Grills knee.

"That's gay." Grill pointed out, sipping his drink.

"yeah. It is." Chill mumbled quietly, squinting. His voice remained monotone, but strong emotions shone clearly through his blue eyes.

Chills hair was sprinkled with snowflakes, messed by the wind. The two scooted closer to each other, touching shoulders and shivering. Grill simply looked down once again; a habit of his. His cheek rested on Chills shoulder for a moment, but he removed it in order to continue drinking. It was not returned.

Bold with happiness, or perhaps excitement, Chill decided to use this precious time to propose a question to Grill. One he has been dying to ask him for years, and Chill, who was less than oblivious in these types of situations, knew Grill returned the urge to ask it as well. He was always too nervous, they got like that sometimes when he hung out, especially during sappy scenes such as these. It was perfect.

"Hey, can I kiss you?" Chill choked out, though he managed to make it sound monotone, as if he barely cared. He did though, more than anything, even.

Grill paused for a long while, almost seeming to zone out. He finally blinked, though he did not say anything, he simply nodded.

Chill grabbed his friends waist, and pulled him in, almost chaotically. Their lips met eventually, slamming into one another. It was not enjoyable. Not because they didn't like each other, but because it hurt. Chills lip even started bleeding.

They sat there for a moment, but both eventually burst out laughing in unison. They had rested on the curb, crying of laughter while holding each other lovingly.



April 19 2021 i think

awawqqaa Omg i love quiz. She's adorable!! Also wattpad totally deleted half of this fucking chapter because i switch between my phone and my computer to write lmao

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