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                        As you start to slip into the now familiar abyss as voices are shouting, suddenly gunshots ring out followed by more screaming. You try to fight the darkness that creeping it's way into your mind, buts it's no use the new "treatments" have been worse in every way possible. "I have a live one" you hear an unfamiliar man call out, the sound of your door opening is the last thing you hear before the darkness wins and you slip into your medicated slumber.

             You're awaken by a door shutting, you freeze this doesn't feel like your typical procedure table? Slowly peaking one eye open you realize you're in a hospital bed? But the strangest thing being it looks like an actually hospital room not the regular cells and tunnels hydra has been keeping you in for the last six years. As if reading your mind the door opens, first a doctor you're never seen enters followed by a man. He was a tall intimidating man you could see his skin was covered in scars including an eyepatch. "well well well look whose finally awake." he booms as he walks in and takes a seat next to your bed. The doctor looks over the monitors and turns to the man, "everything is looking great and we might even be able to discharge today given that she's woken up." she pauses and looks at you; you can sense a sadness from her but before you can ask why she's looking at you like a lost puppy she turns back to the man and says "I'll let you get her up to speed and we can go from there." 

            " okay sleeping beauty can you tell me the last thing you remember so I know where to start." he says pulling your attention away from her retreating figure and back to his smirking face. "first off thank you for thinking I'm beautiful, only benefit to these treatments y'all keep forcing on me is I get plenty of beauty sleep. Secondly , who the hell are you." he laughs and comes to stand next to you, you realize it probably wasn't best to piss off the new guy but there's no turning back now, you sit up a little taller hoping he can't sense now much he intimedates you. "I'm Nick fury, you were Rescued from a hydra base 3 days ago and are now in the custody of S.H. I. E. L. D. Until we can fully understand whether you are a threat or not." out of all the things you expected him to say that was not it. Suddenly the room starts spinning and you feel like you can't breathe.. "I'm saved?"

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