Got it.

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  "Oh no no no" you say under your breath as Wanda smiles up at Mr. Blue eyes and says "welcome home Bucky. This is Caroline, she's our new avenger!" you can see the amusement in his eyes as he says "Caroline? huh. Its a pleasure to meet you." "uh. I'm sorry.. For running into you I mean, its a pleasure to meet you as well." you hurry and send please please let this morning go for now and we can talk later you beg pleading with your eyes you feel his shock when your thought comes through. Shoot! He doesn't know about your powers.. Well didn't know. You quickly fire off only you can hear me right now, ill explain soon, yes you can respond this way momentarily. You can see him thinking this through when he says okay, Caroline. He's response was dripping with the smugness his gorgeous eyes where filled with. Looks like He got your name after all.

          "so I called this meeting real quick since everyone is finally here with news I can finally share." Steve begins while walking to the front of the room. You are trying so hard to focus but your mind keeps wondering to "Bucky" as Wanda called him. He's doing so well a pretending he doesn't know you it almost hurts. Wait, what the hell am I thinking? It doesn't hurt, it can't. You will not allow yourself to get feelings for him. No way it can't happen. Suddenly Wanda nudges you and points to her head with no one noticing. What's up? You ask her, hoping you didn't miss anything important. She smiles at you while thinking he's cute, huh?... What? You ask who is cute? She coughs to hide the laugh that escaped. Everyone turns and stares at you two for a second then Steve continues on about some meeting in California. You know who Wanda thinks Bucky! You've been watching him plus I saw how you clammed up earlier. You like him. You take a breath. Shit. Okay I promise ill explain later. You send off. She smiles and you two go back to listening to Steve. "So myself, Nat and Tony will take vision to meet with S. H. I. E. L. D. In California tomorrow, Wanda you are more than welcome to join. Since Sam is visiting home that means Buck, Caroline you two will hold down the fort here while we're gone." Steve finishes up "any questions? No? Great lets get ready to go." Fantastic. A weekend alone with the man you just had a one night stand with that just so happens to be your coworker.

         you follow Wanda up to her room and plop down on her bed letting out the biggest sigh. She pulls a small red suitcase out of her closet and looks at you "okay so explain what? I'm dying to know!" you let out a pathetic laugh "well last night my brother took me out to celebrate my new "occupation" he left before me as I was getting ready to leave this mega not man sits next to me, well one thing lead to another and I found myself trying to sneak out of a motel room this morning.. I was unsuccessful in my sneaking.," you see her thinking about what you said when her realization floods the room. "Oh my god!! It was Bucky ?!" she yells you jump off the bed covering her mouth with your hand as she continues freaking out her door flies open standing there is Steve and Nat looking ready for a fight. Steve looks at you two and says "uhh are two okay? We heard yelling?" he looks so confused and you realize you're still covering Wanda's mouth you drop your hand and you both laugh. "ummm yes." you say "just some very interesting girl talk, nat you should join us!" Wanda says with a huge grin. "Well on that note I'm out of here" Steve says. Natasha walks in and shuts the door.

              After filling nat in and answer a million questions the three of you are all laying on Wandas bed laughing when there is a knock at the door. "Come in" Wanda says laughing the door opens, Steve and Bucky step in. Wanda turns and looks at you and nat and all 3 of you bust out laughing. "well this weird." Steve says watching you all. "oh come on cap." You say laughing "we know its your wet dream to be in the middle of this" you gesture to the three of you on the bed. Wanda and nat lose it, laughing so hard Wanda starts crying. You get a sudden sense of anger and look up to see Bucky jaw twitch and his fist clench. What the hell was that about? Before you can say anything Steve sighs. "dinner is ready if you gals want some." Bucky is already in the hall when Steve turns to leave.

           Once you've all finished dinner you go help Wanda and Natasha pack for real this time. Finishing right before midnight you say your goodbyes and see you soon's and head to your room. After a nice hot shower you step into room to get your pj's when a voice says "finally, I was starting to think you fell asleep in there" you spin around and angrily say to him "holy sweet baby Jesus! What the hell is wrong with you!" glaring into those damn blue eyes. Then it dawns on you that you are only wearing A towel, "umm, Hello!" say gesturing to the towel, "get out of here! I need to get dressed." he rolls his eyes and says "yeah cause its not like I've seen you naked or anything." As he  covers his eyes  he lets out "well hurry up so we can talk" you hurry and put on shorts and a tee shirt and pad over to the bed and sit next to him. "fine, open up" you say watching look you up and down and can't help the shiver his icy glaze sends down your spine. "well were should we start Bucky."

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