Home sweet home

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                   As you pull up to the compound you can't help but regret those last couple of shots. "well here goes nothing" you whisper to yourself as you walk up the steps to your new home, as soon as you reach for the door knob it swings open and you are standing face to face with the tall and beautiful Natasha Romanoff, her deep red hair is pulled up in a high pony and you can't help but stare into those insanely blue eyes " hey there, you must be the new girl I come on in" she says witha smile. Following her in you can hear shouting down the hall, you shoot her a curious glance. "Umm is that something we should be concerned about?" she just laughs and starts walking towards the yelling "Nah that's just tony and Steve. They argue almost daily, its prime entertainment."

        As you and Natasha walk into what looks like a meeting room everyone becomes silent. " well don't stop on my account boys" you say witha smile taking the seat closest to you. Looking around you see Steve and tony standing near the head of the table, Bruce banner, Thor and Loki are sitting near them while Clint, Wanda, vision and now Natasha are sitting more towards the back of the room with you. "Um hello there, May we help you with something?" Steve asks while shooting a questioning glance at Natasha. "I'm Caroline Fury; your new avenger" you say with a smile enjoying the look of shock on everyone's face. "Hold on, wait one damn minute" Tony says turning towards you "Fury? As in Nick Fury? Scary black guy with an eyepatch?!" Tony looks absolutely shocked "Yup, the one and only." you reply with a smirk "can't you see the resemblance?" you see Thor and Loki try to hide their laugh at your obvious sarcasm as Tony's face starts getting red . You laugh and say "relax, I'm obviously joking. I Am an orphan with No family and when I was saved from hydra years ago Nick took me under his wing. He's pretty much my big brother and seeing as I never had a last name it was fitting I'd share one with my brother" before Tony can respond Steve interrupts, "aren't you a little young to be an avenger? How old even are you?" your response comes almost immediately "Well cap, aren't you a little old to be an avenger?"

            Everyone loses it at your answer including Tony, still laughing Loki says 'Oh boy, I like this one, lets keep her!" before you make Steve even more mad you add "but capcicle for your information I'm almost 28. I'm highly trained by S. H. I. E. L. D. And was also "gifted" some abilities during my, um vacation, with hydra" you say with an eye roll. "Hi, I'm Wanda. I was also given Powers by hydra, I'm curious what are yours if you don't mind my asking?" you sense an overwhelming curiosity from the room and can feel Steve getting antsy. "I don't mind, honestly I researched you a lot Wanda when I was first rescued. We have some similarities, like the telekinesis, and I can get into peoples heads to a point. I can speak to someone's mind, as if I was speaking out loud but its in their head and they will be able to respond, like this" you take a deep breath and focus on sending a thought to Wanda, that jacket you're wearing is gorgeous. "awe thank you!" she says with a smile, "I can also send them to multiple people, like this"  Steve, your fly is down. Instantly everyone turns to Steve as you say "just kidding Stevie" everyone, including Steve laughs. "I also can sense things, like right now Thor is feeling impressed but hungry and Loki is amused. Those are it on my powers, My fighting is similar to yours Natasha, Nick has had me training with some off the best daily for the last three years, and I'm a fast learner. So; any questions?" you look around the room and get a consistent feeling of contemptment. "if not, I would really like to go unpack if that's okay with everyone?" Wanda smiles as she's says "I can show you to your room, I already know we are going to get along great!"

           As you sit there unpacking your phone starts ringing "hey Nicky sorry I meant to call you back sooner." "its ok C, are you there yet?" " yup even met everyone I think, May have called cap old but it's cool." "you did what?!?" Nick sounded like he was ready to blow a gasket. "okay nick take a deep take a deep breath and relax everything is good and it might actually be a good fit." you can practically hear the smirk when he say 'hmm weird it almost sounded like you said I was right" "goodbye Nicky!" hanging up you can't help but laugh when suddenly you are overwhelmed so much anxiety and regret? Wanda? You send off are we expecting someone today? 1 just got an unusual feeling? Her response came quickly OH, yes. Sorry we forgot to mention one of our owns had to spend some time in wakanda and should be coming home soon. Before you could respond JARVIS spoke over the speakers " Steve would like everyone to report to the meeting room." you meet up with Wanda in the hall and start walking downstairs together as she says "okay the whole mind communicating is seriously cool." rounding the corner to the meeting hall you laugh "it really is my -" you smack square into a mountain, you look up right into those blue eyes.

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