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once tony said black tie you, Wanda and Natasha left in search of the perfect outfits, also hiring a team to come get all 3 of you ready. At 7:58 you got the finishing touches to your makeup done and head off to get dressed. You stand looking into your mirror admiring how gorgeous your gown looks. It's a simple a-line spaghetti strap gown, the red silk looks perfect against your tan, and the thigh high slit shows off plenty of leg and your amazing new heels. Taking a step out onto your little balcony you take some deep breaths and try to calm yourself down, heading downstairs your nervousness just builds. Walking into the room you hear Tony yell "happy birthday Bear!" followed by more happy birthdays from people tony must have invited because they don't look familiar. Scanning the crowd you see Nick and take off to him. "Nicky!" you run up and hug him I'm so glad you're here I've missed you so much!!" you almost sob into his chest. "Hey carebear. I'd never miss your birthday. There is someone I'd like you to meet though." he gestures to the man he was talking to a moment ago, You turn and lock eyes with a tall handsome dark skinned man. "Caroline" Nick says "this is T'Challa, King of Wakanda."

         "k- king?" you studder looking between Nick and T'Challa. He laughs and put his hand out for you to shake "please, just call me T'Challa. It is a pleasure to finally meet Nicks sister, I have heard much about you." taking his hand you shoot Nick a glance "all good things I hope, but I do know Nick loves to embarrass me so most likely not." you say with a laugh. "Fury!" someone across the room shouts, "if you'll excuse me" Nick says "seems I'm need elsewhere. Ill find you later Caroline." he says hugging you. Turning to T'Challa he says "behave, she's my baby sister and I will kick a kings ass if I need to." laughing he walks off. "Oh dear god, I can't believe he said that!! I am so sorry!" T'Challa just laughs and says "I also have a sister so I understand. Plus you are a very beautiful woman I see why he is protective" you feel your face go red when Suddenly the DJ starts playing A beautiful slow song. T'Challa turns and asks "would you do me the honors and allow me to dance with the most beautiful woman here?" you laugh and blush more "how could I say no. when a handsome king wants to dance, we dance." putting your hand in his he leads you to the dance floor.

          you and T'Challa laugh and talk the whole dance and when it finishes people around clap which makes you laugh and blush more. Leading you off the dance floor T'Challa says "you are a very good dancer, did you learn that while in Avenger training camp." he jokes. A knot forms in your stomach and you look down at the ground "would you like to go walk with me? I need some Air" you say barely above a whisper. As you to walk outside by the pool, which tony has gotten some beautiful floating lanterns put in T'Challa clears his throat "I am so sorry if I said something to upset you Caroline?" you let out a small chuckle "you didn't upset me I promise." taking a seat on a lawn chair by the pool you pat the spot next to you and he comes and sits "has nick ever mentioned by life before S. H. I. E. L. D.?"

           He thinks for a moment and then says "no I don't believe so." you take a deep breath "oh well, I will spare you the sob Story" you laugh "but in the orphanage I grew up in there was a volunteer who would come around once a month, i don't remember much but she was a famous dancer. So on the days she would come we would all get to have dance lessons and at the end of her visit she would have us preform for everyone." you laugh "we probably looked so silly to her, but she always acted like it was the most amazing show ever. When we would finish she would clap and clap then give each of us a flower, a carnation." you laugh and look up to T'Challa, he smiles down at you but before he can say anything JARVIS comes over the speaker "miss Bear, Tony has asked me to have you please come inside you are needed." you laugh "of course JARVIS, thank you."

         T'Challa escorts you inside, when you step inside a bright spot light shines on you and you hear Tony boom "theres our birthday girl! come up here!" T'Challa leads you to the stage laughing and teasing you about tony, when you get to the stage tony had brought in he gives you a hug and whispers in your ear "a king huh?" you laugh but know your face is bright red. "alright everyone!" Tony booms "its time to sing happy birthday to our beautiful birthday girl!" every starts singing as Thor and Steve wheel out a huge cake. Once everyone has finished singing you blow at your candles. The music starts up again and you give tony a big hug, "thank you so much for all this tony, you are like the the cool uncle I always wanted." he laughs "of course kid! Now go see your king" winking at you he walks away. "Steve!" you yell and run up to him, hugging him you whisper in his ear "have you seen James? I've been looking but haven't seen him... He isn't mad about me shooting at him is he?" he laughs "no Caroline, he isn't mad. He's here somewhere.. Do you want me to tell him your looking for him?" he says with a almost sneaky smile? "umm. No its okay I doubt he'd even want to see me" you laugh "thanks Steve" you say walking off stage.

          Wanda and Nat are waiting off stage for you instantly they both say "a king?!" you laugh before you answer they both grin and Wanda says with a wink " looks like the king is coming back for his queen." Nat beams "T'Challa. so great to see you again!" "ladies so great to see you as well. I was hoping I could steal the birthday girl from you for a moment." he says with a very charming smile "absolutely!" they both smile. Putting a hand on your back he leads you to a quieter corner of the party "miss Caroline it has been an absolute pleasure getting to meet you, unfortunately I must head home, but I will be back in a couple weeks. If you are not busy, would love to take you to dinner?" you smile but instantly a pit forms in your stomach and you think of Bucky? Ugh that man is doing your head in! "absolutely I don't have my mobile on me right now but tomorrow i will get your info from Nicky and we can plan something" he smiles, "pefect see you then." kissing your hand he leaves. How did my life go from no love interests to this?

           with your brain pounding you decide to call it a night. Instead of heading to your room you keep going up to the roof, the past weeks whenever life got over whelming you'd come up here and watch the stars or watch the lights from the city. Walking to the edge you sigh watching everything "you're not going to jump are you?" I'm surprised you aren't encouraging that you send to Bucky without turning around never. You look beautiful tonight doll. He sends back coming to stand next to you. "how would you know? I didn't see you once tonight." you hate how hurt your voice sounded "I was there doll. All night I was never far, I actually choked on my drink when you walked in." he laughs. You two stand there in silence for a while, you shiver as a breeze blows through, he notices and takes his jacket off and puts it around your shoulders "thank you James." you feel his anxiety, "why are you so anxious James?" barely above a whisper you worry he didn't hear you he Suddenly says "did T'Challa ask you out?" wait. What. "umm yes? Why?" you ask watching him. You see his fist clench "ohh. Okay. Well, should probably go then." he starts to turn when you grab his arm stopping him. "Why James? Just tell me for once! Instead of walking away from me just tell me what you're thinking about damn it" you shout at him. Suddenly he pulls you as close as possible, his lips instantly meet yours. Melting into him you realize how long you're waited for this.

          He breaks the kiss but keeps you against him. You both just stand there catching your breath. "I have something for you" he whispers against your forehead. He takes a step back keeping one arm around your waist he pulls a necklace out of his pocket, there's one small beautiful black stone resting on the chain. "oh James" you say "its so beautiful. Here put it on" you turn lifting your hair he puts the necklace on you his finger brushing against your skin send shivers down you spine. You turn to face him again, "a friend of mine helped pick it out. He said its called jet its suppose to have protective properties. I know I'm not worthy of even knowing you, or kindness, especially with how I've acted lately. But I care about you, a lot more than I like to admit. I doubt ill always be around to protect you so I figured any help I could get at keeping you safe I would take." he says staring into your eyes. "James I have W- " you're interrupted by explosions all around the compound and screams. you and James run down stairs and see all hell has broken loose, instantly going to work mode you start ushering people out while looking for threats. When suddenly everything goes Black.

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