Am I wrong?

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looking around your room nothing is really standing out which probably would make me mad, but honestly why would I want to remember all that bullshit? My life sounded like hell? Suddenly feeling intense rage, its time to investigate and find out whose mad? I guess i wasn't crazy and I really was feeling their emotions.

          "what the hell do you mean she's not sure? This is crazy I am not listening to anymore of this!" you hear a man shout followed by a chair being thrown back. Hiding around the corner you watch a handsome man with jet black hair storm out, what was his name? Nick sort of explained everyone but it went in one ear and out the other. Once he was out of sight you go closer to the door to continue listening. " I mean do we really blame her? Would you want to remember all those awful things?" a blonde haired man asks, immediately the pretty red head pipes up "but look at all the good memories she-" "evesdropping? Really I'm shocked." a man whispers In your ear.

           "Oh sweet baby Jesus !" you hiss turning around to see the man with black hair "you scared me half to death !" he just laughs "come take a walk with me love." he starts walking down the hall, hesitating you have to jog to catch up to him. "do you know who i am Caroline?" he asks opening a door that leads outside. "Im sorry, no." you can tell your answer makes him sad. "Why does that make you so sad?" you ask watching him lay on a day bed by the pool "it makes me sad love because you are very special to me. Despite you knowing the bad things I've done you never judged me. You took the time to get to know me and we became very close. Now you remember nothing of me or our memories. I'm Loki by the way love." "tell me this Loki, if you could forget every bad thing that has happened to you or the bad things you've done would you?" you ask going to lay next to him.

         you and Loki lay there for hours just talking about what he would forget or do differently, at some point you must have dozed off because a mans voice wakes you up. Opening your eyes you see you fell asleep with your head in Loki's lap. The guy with the metal arm and beautiful blue eyes is stand at the foot of the day bed. Sitting up You say "oh hi! Umm Bucky right?" Loki laughs and metal arm just keeps staring at Loki while he says "yes Caroline, it's Bucky." sensing a lot tension between the two you try to change the subject. "Oh Loki, I'm so sorry I must have fallen asleep? You could have woken me?" Loki laughs and pulls you back "its okay love. I was playing with your hair while we talked and you instantly feel asleep" he starts playing with your hair again "mmm it does feel amazing" you say laughing.

         "As I was saying Loki, Steve and Bruce are looking for you so..?" Bucky says staring at Loki with a murderous glare. Loki looks down and sighs "well love, unfortunately duties calls. Want me to walk you back to your room or somewhere else?" Before you can answer Bucky interrupts "it's fine Loki, I'd like a chance to talk to Caroline so I can escort her wherever she needs." you smile at Loki sitting up "see I'm good! Go take care of everything." he sighs and stands "oh and Loki, thank you for everything it means so much and I'm glad you understand." he leans down kissing your cheek, "of course love. See you soon."

         watching Loki walk away Bucky suddenly says "he didn't try anything did he? Did he explain your relationship with him prior to this?" you look at Bucky he seems worried? "He told me we were very close but I asked him not to say anymore than that, if I want to start over without all the bad its only fair if start over with the good also." sitting in silence for a minute you can see him trying to find the words to say. "Bucky? Tell me, I know you have something you want to say but i can sense your worry.. So just say it." he looks and stares into your eyes "Caroline.. Our pasts are more similar than you think but I would rather remember every awful moment than lose the good ones we have made.." he stands up and hands you a box "this is yours. Strucker broke the chain when you were captured so i had it fixed. You don't remember but I gave this to you on your birthday.. The talk we had will always be one of my Best memories, I just wish you knew why." with that Bucky walks away leaving you with your thoughts and a gift you don't deserve to open.

         laying on the day bed you can't help but feel empty. Bucky's words left you with a gapping hole in your heart. Whatever good you were forgetting was killing him, was it four to take your own pain away at the expense of someone else's? Could I really live a happy life knowing I was the side cause of his and likely the others pain? Making your decision it was time for a difficult talk. Wanda? You send off? Hopefully, Bruce tried to explain now to do this but given he's never done that he could have been wrong? Yes Caroline? Can I help you with something? Wanda says questionably. Okay, mind communicating is cool as shit! Yes! Any chance you can come talk by the pool? Its important. You fire back. But instead of a response in your mind you hear footsteps than "Caroline? Are you okay?"

           "I want to remember Wanda.." you say standing looking at her "earlier Bruce said one option to getting everything back is you. I want to try it.. Please." she watches you hesitantly, "if it works Caroline it might hurt?" you smile at her "well I guess its a good thing I'm an Avenger. I hear y'all are pretty damn tough."

         "okay.. Are you ready? " she asks standing in front of you "as ill ever be.. Lets do this." you say with a nervous smile.. Wanda moves her hands up by your head the sudden pressure in your mind is excruciating. "Caroline, I'm so sorry but you can't hold your breath. Just scream or whatever you need to do. Just breathe!" Wanda says straining and pushing harder. You let out a blood curdling scream, Suddenly the others rush out. "Wanda stop!" someone shouts "no let her do it" someone else says screaming more you drop to your knees suddenly a flood of memories hits you like a freight train, gasping Wanda stops vision hurries to her side helping her sit. Feeling arms wrap around you, you look up into those damn eyes "James?" you whisper before everything goes black.

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