Bucky pov mini

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you all sit around the table going over the events of last night, trying to find who took Caroline. Nick bust in the room followed T'Challa. Handing tony a flash drive, he walks to the back of the room Saying nothing. Tony plugs it in and instantly a bruised and bloody Caroline shows up. Wanda let's out a sob as everyone registers what we're about to see. "play it tony" you hiss out. Whoever took her is dead, and it won't be a pleasant death. Baron Strucker walks on to the frame and everyone jumps When you yell "FUCK." they all look at you "hes hydra.. Hydra has her. Again."

          watching the video killed you. it was so bad Wanda had to step out. She was so strong, the first hour of tourtune she barely made a sound, the second hour he ripped her necklace off, then her screams followed. A scream that will haunt you forever. Right before the video ends Baron asked her if she had anything to say, she looked into the camera the look in her eye was haunting "Nicky, James. I'm so sorry I tried." your heart shattered, it hurt less when hydra tortured you.

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