Target practice

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there's a soft knock on your door, before you can yell go away, Wanda and nat come in they take one look at you in bed and say at the same time... "What did he do?" they come and climb into your bed sandwiching you in the middle, you let out a sigh and tell them everything.

          "wow" Wanda whispers "I see why were in bed." says Nat.. You let out a pathetic chuckle "yeah.. I don't know why he wants to make my brain explode but he's doing great." "you know what this calls for?!" Wanda asks excidally "movie day with wine, snacks and plenty of Ben and Jerry's!" "okay, that's actually a great plan" nat responds "I'll get the wine and ice cream, Wanda you get movies and Caroline you grab all the extra blankets you can find!" Wanda laughs and heads towards her room and you go to get all the blankets from down stairs when you bump right into Bucky. His hands are instantly on your waist stopping you from falling, he hurries and moves them which shouldn't make you sad but it does. thankfully Tony and Steve are with him so you wont have to deal with his attitude. "Hey Bear " tony says with a smile, he has started calling you bear ever since you said no to his last crazy nickname, apparently Bear has stuck because sometimes the others call you it too. "hi tony. Steve, Bucky." you give them a small smile. "Are you doing alright?" Bucky asks, its annoying how concerned he sounds. "I'm great." you lie Faking a huge smile "but I need to go, it was great seeing you all!" you walk away not even letting them respond. In the living room you grab a bunch of blankets and hurry back to your room where you see Wanda and nat attempting to build a blanket fort.

         halfway through the second movie Nat groans "ugh I knew i should have grabbed that second bottle of wine!" she goes to stand up and get it when you say "hold on, I saw tony and Steve earlier watch this." smiling you send 911! hurry come help! To Tony, Steve, nat and Wanda. The both bust up laughing and not even a minute later your door flies open with a bang. You, nat and Wanda peek out your blanket fort and see Steve, tony and Bucky posed and ready for whatever fight happening which makes you three laugh harder. Realizing there's no fight they look at you three, the blanket fort, White chicks playing on the TV and the empty wine bottle. "umm what the hell?!" Steve says trying not to laugh. "well" nat says looking at Wanda who says "we kinda ran out of wine." then looks at you "and we were wondering if you could bring us more?" you say with a huge smile. "Are you serious Bear?" Tony says he looks shocked you all really said that "No way" Steve says at the same time Bucky says "you've got to be kidding me." you glare at him and snap "well, that's we didn't include you in the message Oscar the grouch." you look at tony and say with your best puppy dog eyes "please" he laughs "nice try bear." they go to turn around as you hurry and say "not even for my birthday?" they freeze turning back to face you, "birthday?" Steve asks as tony says "todays your birthday and you didn't tell us sooner?" Bucky just stares at you. "well its actually tomorrow but same thing. Its okay its not a big deal, I've never really celebrated it. Nick usually just takes me to dinner." tony looks shocked and everyone just looks at you "so wait, you're never had a birthday party?" tony asks "umm no?" everyone instantly looks at tony and before you can say anything he turns around yelling "all hands on deck!! We have a party to plan people!!" Steve and Bucky follow him out and you just groan "i guess we aren't getting our wine" Wanda laughs.

          Finishing the movie Wanda pipes up "we should have a karaoke night!" Her and Nat look at you "drunk karaoke? Count me in!!!" You three head down stairs stopping at the bar for more wine and tequila which you know you'll regret tomorrow but right now it seems like a great idea. Next you all go to the living room where Tony's karaoke machine is and start setting up "should we tell the others?" You ask while moving the coffee table out of the way of the 'stage' "I'm sure everyone will hear us soon enough" Wanda laughs as she starts looking at songs before she settles on since u been gone by Kelly Clarkson. You and Nat laugh and say perfect while grabbing your mics, Wanda cranks the volume and you three starts belting out the song getting to the chorus they yell for you to take it "BUT SINCE YOUVE BEEN GONE, I CAN BREATHE FOR FIRST TIME. I'M SO MOVING ONNNN! YEAH , YEAHHH"

          You all finish the song when you hear clapping, turning around you see all the guys have in fact joined before they say anything Wanda hugs you while yelling "OH MY GOD!! I had no idea you could sing that good!" While her and Nat talk about your solo and 'rockstar voice' you hear Loki say to Bucky "you really fucked that up cyborg" ignoring that and Bucky the rest of you have a great night singing and joking about your career change to rock star.

          the next morning you, Loki, nat and Wanda are sitting at the table eating breakfast when somehow you guys are talking about whether or not you and Wanda could shoot a gun with you telekinesis Powers. Loki and nat don't think so which leads to you and Wanda getting all the glass plates from the cabinet and heading out side. After proving you guys can everyone is having fun shooting plates when tony, Steve and Bucky walk out. "What the hell are you guys doing?" Bucky asks looking at the gun in your hand and broken glass everywhere. "target practice duh." you say rolling your eyes you turn pointing your gun right at him "why, doll. Do you want to be the target?" you ask with a smirk. Tony, Loki, nat and Wanda laugh while Steve looks petrified and Bucky just smirks, almost daring you. Wanda, sneak a plate behind his head. You send while pointing the gun back down. Tony starts rambling on about plans for your party as you pretend to listen as Wanda does what you ask with a smile. Once she has the plate right above Bucky left shoulder you quickly aim the gun and shoot nailing the plate. Steve and tony jump back while Loki, nat and Wanda are dying of laughter as Bucky stares at you "I can't believe you tried to shoot me!" he yells "I didn't try to shoot you, I shot a plate that just happened to be behind you" you smirk. "Peggy shot at me once." Steve says with a smile at Bucky. "Oh hell. I have places to be." Bucky says walking away you roll your eyes going back to "target practice". "well" tony says "party starts at 8, it's black tie. See you all then."

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