Chapter 29 - Ron and Hermione are Relationship Goals

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Sofie's POV

It was finally the day we leave Dallas. I was do excited to get to Chicago. I've never been to Chicago ever. I haven't been to a lot of places to be honest. We mostly only leave the state to go to see our relatives in Boston but that's really it.

Boston was never really exciting. It was all just old people chatting and annoying kids running around with Nerf guns. Now that I think about it, those kids resembled the guys a lot.

Whenever Matt and I went to Boston, we just hung out in a room that was empty and went on our phones or watched movies. Sometimes Matt would have made a YouTube video or a vine while we were there. I miss those kinds of things.

Trying to get everyone through the airport was exceptionally hard. Hardly anyway was organised so it was chaotic trying to get to the gate on time. We made it right before the doors closed, all panting and puffing.

Once we arrived in Chicago, we took cars to our hotel and checked ourselves in. All of our rooms were on the same floor, so that means it's either going to be crazy annoying or really fun and convenient. I guess we'll find out.

"Hey, Sofie!" I heard Shawn shout behind me. I spun around and saw him waving his arms about trying to get my attention. I laughed at the sight then ran up to him.

"We're in the same room this time" Shawn said with a wink, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I couldn't help but feel insanely excited about our trip. Even though it was my last stop.

Shawn leaned close and kissed my cheek, his soft lips brushing against my skin. I then heard a loud voice from behind us shouting "Sofie, Shawn, we're roomies!". I twisted my head to see Cameron jumping up and down with a cheeky smile on his face. He knew too well what he interrupted. I rolled my eyes but smiled at him, Shawn doing the same.

Once we were settled in our bedrooms, we all found a comfortable spot in the room and lay there. We were exhausted, but that's only to be expected. I was forcing my eyes to stay open until I lost the battle, drifting into sleep.

"Sofie". Shawn's voice woke me up, his hand gently shaking my shoulder. I jolted upwards, probably scaring Shawn.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked up at him, a little taken aback by what I saw.

"Why are you wearing a suit?" I asked him, chuckling a bit at the randomness of it.

"Because" he begun, pulling me up from the sofa. "I'm taking you on an early birthday dinner date".

I didn't even have a chance to say anything before Shawn told me to go get dressed into something fancy.

I did what I was told and slipped into a navy dress I had, then doing my hair and makeup, appropriate for the occasion.

I met up with Shawn in the hallway, where we patiently waited for me the whole time I was getting ready.

"You look so beautiful" he gawked, taking my hand in his.

"You are so cringey" I told him.

"Shut up, you love it"

"Where are the rest of the boys?" I asked as we begun to stroll down the hallway.

"Having dinner somewhere else. Probably McDonalds knowing them" Shawn said, smiling as if he was remembering some weird McDonalds memory that I definitely didn't want to know about.

As we left the hotel, I asked Shawn where we were going.

"Some fancy Italian restaurant" he replied, exactly the vague answer I was expecting.

"Don't you think it's weird?"

"What's weird?"

"The fact a 16 year old and an almost-16-year old are going out on a fancy dinner date. I mean, normal teenagers wouldn't even do this"

"Yeah, but were not exactly normal" Shawn smirked.

"All I'm saying is that this only happens in the movies" I defended my argument.

"There's nothing wrong with that. Romantic movies are the best" he stated.

"Shawn, your favourite movie is Harry Potter" I laughed.

"Ron and Hermione are relationship goals" Shawn said, reminding me of a Tumblr fangirl.

"I'll take your word for it" I giggled.

We shortly arrived at the restaurant, entering and breathing in the smell of garlic and tomatoes, properly Italian.

We got seated and got given menus and soon after we ordered, our food was staring back up at us.

During dinner, Shawn and I discussed the happenings of the tour, events and everything in between. I felt so relaxed speaking to him, like I could tell him anything and he wouldn't share my secrets.

Matthew's POV

Once we got back to the hotel, we all decided to hang out in my room. Everyone besides Sofie and Shawn was here, sitting down somewhere, either on their phones or talking.

I was talking to Nash, and we were discussing what to get Sofie for her upcoming birthday.

"I already got her something" Nash told me, smiling proudly.

"What did you get her?"

"I'm not saying, that'll ruin the surprise"

"You didn't get her a puppy, did you? Because none of us can compete with that" I sighed.

Nash laughed before replying "No, I got her something even better".

I glared at Nash, annoyed that he probably got her something way better than I got her. Well, was going to get her. I still haven't gotten her a present yet.

"Goddammit Nash"

Nash just laughed it off. Knowing him, he probably had her present bought ages ago. Nash loves spoiling people for their birthdays, especially girls. And that's not something I want him to do for my sister.

I sat back and thought about what to get Sofie. I mean, she has enough clothes and makeup to last her a lifetime, and anyway, I would have no idea what she would want. Getting her food is slightly offensive and not personal enough and I was stuck for ideas for anything else.

I told myself that I would go shopping tomorrow and find the perfect birthday present for her. Hopefully.


I have no excuse. I'm just a lazy piece of shit that didn't update in three months. Seriously, I'm sorry but what else can I say 😢 anyways, hope u enjoyed this little short chapter and thanks for sticking around 😊 Hopefully more updates to come. Please vote and comment

Matt's Little Sister - A Magcon/Shawn Mendes Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now