Chapter 10-Piggy-Back Rides

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Sofie's POV

Matt gave me a piggy-back ride all the way back to our hotel room with Shawn and Aaliyah trailing behind.

Matt has been smiling widely since the guys and I came back. I wonder what happened when we were gone.

He was skipping all over the hotel room once we got back, grinning as wide as he could.

Shawn and Aaliyah were busy watching Vines together so I grabbed Matts wrist and dragged him to the corner of the room.

'What happened?' I asked him, trying to conceal my laughter because his smile was just contagious.

'Ok...I made out with Kalea. And I really like her' Matt told me.

And before I could react, he interrupted me saying 'And she's an amazing kisser', winking after he said it.

'Oh God! Matt, seriously?! I don't need to know that shit' I said, looking at him in disgust.

Matt giggled and said 'It's your fault you asked'.

'Yeah, okay, good luck with her' I said, walking away, hearing Matt laugh his head off behind me.

I went on my phone, scrolling through Twitter.

'God, @sofieeespinosa is an ugly freak who needs to stay in her lane. First Hayes now Shawn' someone said, attaching a picture of Shawn and I together in Abercrombie and Fitch.

I ignored it, a little creeped out that someone took a picture of us without us noticing.

I kept scrolling and found a load more tweets about Hayes and I, Shawn and I, or me just being an ugly bitch.

I'm not going to lie, the more I saw, the worse I felt. It really got to me.

Considering I'm not famous, I'm not used to hate. I guess it's a thing you have to get used to.

Just then, I felt the mattress move and looked up to see Shawn looking at me, with worry in his eyes.

'Are you okay?' he asked me, concerned.

'Yeah, I'm fine' I lied, faking a smile.

He didn't look convinced at all.

'Sofie, c'mon, whats up?' he asked, sitting down next to me, both our heads leaned up against the headboard.

I moved my phone screen away from him so he wouldn't see and said 'Seriously, Shawn, I'm fine'.

He must have seen me tilt my phone away because he swiftly grabbed it off me.

'Hey, give it back!' I yelled, reaching my hand out for it.

Shawn ignored me and started looking through my phone.

His eyes went from my phone screen to my eyes.

'Oh Sofie. Don't listen to them' Shawn said, pulling me into a warm hug.

I hugged him back, never wanting to let go.

'It's okay. They're just jealous' Shawn said.

'Of what?' I asked.

'Of being on tour and getting to hang out with us. Especially me' he said, flipping his short hair and striking a pose.

'And they're jealous because I'm your boyfriend' Shawn said, quietly.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Wait, did he just say...?

'Sofie, will you be my girlfriend?' he asked, blushing.

'Yes!' I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

I heard him breathe a sigh of relief, squeezing me back, his arms snaked around my lower back.

I nuzzled into his neck then soon pulled away, seeing his grinning face.

I couldn't believe this. I'm Shawn Mendes' girlfriend!

I really do like Shawn. I think I love him.

I know I'm only 15 and I probably don't even know what love is, but if it's the feeling I get when I'm around him, it's amazing. Indescribable.

'Should we tell Matt?' Shawn asked, warily looking over at Matt who was in the corner on his phone. He was smiling, so he was probably texting Kalea.

'I don't know' I honestly replied, shrugging my shoulders.

Shawn bit his lip. Oh dear God.

'Maybe we should hold off, just for a bit?' I suggested and Shawn agreed.

It was 6:30pm when Shawn and I decided we were gonna go outside.

We left Matt and Aaliyah in the hotel room and walked out into the corridor.

Once we got to the lobby, we were stopped by a couple of fangirls.

'OMG! Shawn, I love you!' they were all screaming.

Only a rare few were actually nice and polite to me.

'Who the hell are you?' one of them asked me in a rude tone.

'I'm Sofie, Matts sister' I replied.

'Yeah guys, be nice' Shawn said, smiling down at me.

'Where's Hayes? Aren't you dating Hayes?' another one in a Cameron Dallas hoodie asked me.

'No I'm not' I replied, looking up at Shawn.

Soon they let us leave and we walked out into the warm evening weather.

We walked around Nashville, just hanging out and getting to know the little things about each other.

'What's your....favourite movie?' Shawn asked me.

'The usual girl ones: Mean Girls, Easy A, She's the Man etc.' I said.

'Whats yours?' I asked, honestly interested.

'Uh...I don't know. It's hard to pick' he sighed.

'Aw come on Shawn!' I exclaimed.

She shook his head, trying to think, but eventually came up with nothing.

We asked each other more questions, and I got to know so many cool things about Shawn.

Before I met him, all I knew was the obvious things that all the people on the internet knew. But now, I have a whole load of information about his life and his interests.

He's amazing, he really is. I'm falling head over heels for him, as cliché as it sounds.

Around half an hour later, we decided to turn around and walk back to the hotel.

Halfway through the walk I said 'Shaaaaawwwnnn! I'm tired!' I complained.

Shawn stood in front of me and bent over, allowing me to hop on his back.

'Thank you' I chirped, happily on Shawns back with my arms around him.

'No problem' he smiled.


Short chapter, sorry 😢

Matt's Little Sister - A Magcon/Shawn Mendes Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now