Chapter 32 - My Lips are Sealed

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Nash's POV

I knew I couldn't stay out in the hall forever. I guess I always knew I was going to have to face up to what I had done.

Hayes and Shawn were both staring at me with piercing eyes, giving me this painful feeling in my stomach.

Shawn just made an annoyed sound, running his hands through his hair. His hands travelled to the nape of his neck as he walked away from the direction of our hotel room. Hayes and I watched him disappear down the hall. Once he was out of sight, Hayes turned to me.

"Seriously, Nash?" Hayes said to me, before walking back into the hotel room. I couldn't imagine what he was going to say to them. I didn't want to know. But like I said, I can't run forever.

I looked up and down the hallway, pondering where I should go. Follow Hayes back into the hotel room from hell, or follow Shawn and possibly bump into him, that being the last thing I wanted right know. Well, second last.

Sofie. She's going to hate my guts. I don't know why I did it, I must have known what was coming. The voice in my head telling me I shouldn't do this. But I didn't listen to my conscious. I needed what I wanted. And I wanted her.

I know it's idiotic. To think I needed this girl, at my young age. But there's something about her. Something that made me think "Yeah, she's the one I need in my life. She's going to be the one to put me on the right track". I guess I wasn't even on the wrong track, just lost, looking side to side wondering when and where the train is going to come and catch me off guard.

I wasn't in love with her. Was I? I didn't think you could fall in love until you were in your twenties. For gods sake, we're 16. This isn't just something you can google. "What age can you fall in love?".

I guess you could but you know in your head that you're not going to get the answer you want. That physiologists viewpoint on it won't be yours, and that soccer moms blog with mothers frantically worried about their daughters "growing up too fast" certainty won't help either. It's one of those things you need to think about, to be sure about.

To be honest, I didn't want to be sure about it. I wanted to just know that I liked her. That my only intentions were to go out with her and enjoy being with her. But that question kept creeping up on me while I questioned which direction I was going in. Do I love Sofie?

Even if I did, I couldn't identify it. I've never experienced love. How do people even know? I guess you just have to go with your instincts and take a chance. And that's what I did. I opened the door to the hotel room and stepped inside.

All eyes turned to me. Not Hayes' though. He stayed quiet.

"Hey" one or two of them said to me casually. No one seemed annoyed or mad or upset. Everyone was just chilled out, doing exactly what they were doing before I left.

Hayes didn't tell them. This one time I thanked God for my brothers loyalty, something I thought would be long gone by now. He still hadn't turned around so I left it.

"Did you get the keys?" Sofie's voice startled me.

"No, I'll go get them now" I replied, walking back out of the room again.

My stroll turned into a lazy run towards the elevator. I pressed the button for the lobby as the doors shut before me.

Hayes' POV

I watched as Nash left the room. I titled my head back to look up at the ceiling then closed my eyes shut.

Two more days, I thought. Then I go back home and get to sleep in my own bed. I missed my bed. I missed Skylynn, my mom, my dad. This trip wasn't exactly what I had in mind. I never thought I'd want to go home after this but I did.

I sounded like a little kid whining to his mother. "I just want to go home!".

It's times like this why I really wonder why I'm still part of Magcon. If there's even a point. But it's the fans that keep me going, I guess.

I didn't tell anyone what Nash had done because I felt he needed to tell them himself. I wasn't going to let him take the easy way out. But I guess in this situation, there wasn't an easy way out.

I just wondered why Nash would do that. Why would he risk so many relationships just for one? I can't say much however, look at what I did. Maybe ruining stuff runs in the family.

Nash's POV

After getting the keys from the front desk, I turned to go back upstairs but saw Shawn outside, leaning up against the wall, on the phone again.

I thought about going over to him and trying to apologise again. I forgot about doing that because I thought about how much of a scene we would make.

I didn't keep walking though. I stared and stared at him, without him even noticing, pondering over what I should do. I knew it wouldn't be good if I went and talked to him, but it didn't feel right just walking away.

It didn't matter what I did then however, because Shawn turned around and caught me staring.

I thought he was going to march right up to me, and start yelling at me until he was blue in the face.

Instead, he nodded at me to come join him outside. I stared back in disbelief until he gestured again. I reluctantly begun walking and joined him outside.

"Nash, listen, I just got asked to come into a studio in two days to record some music. Things are going great for me. The last thing I want is drama ruining it. So do you think maybe we could keep, you know, everything that happened a secret for a bit?"

I couldn't have been more grateful for Shawn saying that. It took a lot of weight off my shoulders, seeing as I wouldn't have to face up to everyone. Not for the time being anyway.

"Yeah, sure. My lips are sealed" I said to him. He nodded and walked past me, heading back inside. Right before he entered the door he spun around to look at me.

"Just stay away from Sofie. That's the last thing I'm gonna ask of you"

Matt's Little Sister - A Magcon/Shawn Mendes Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now