Chapter 8: Attack on Starfleet

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek

Chapter 8: Attack on Starfleet


It has been several days since our mission on Nibiru and I haven’t seen Jim or Spock since then. Bones convinced both of them that I was in no medically fit state to see anyone and that rest and quiet was essential for my recovery. This was only half a lie. Physically both the baby and I are healthy but mentally I wasn’t. My hormones are completely unbalanced at the moment and the slightest things can set me off. Just the other day Bones came on check on me and I slammed the door in face screaming at him to go away before bursting out into hysterical tears on the floor.

On the 5th day after our return I was summoned to Admiral Pike’s office. After putting on my grey dress uniform I left the apartment building and made my way down the street to Starfleet headquarters. Stopping in front of his office I knocked twice before entering.

“Ah Leila, take a seat” Admiral Pike said gesturing to the seat in front of his desk. Silently I crossed the room, sitting down were I was told to. I knew what was coming so words were not necessary.

“I’m going to get straight to the point Leila; the other day I received a letter from you requesting that you be transferred from the Enterprise. My question is why?”

“Due to recent events I feel that it is in the best interest for myself and the crew of the Enterprise if I were to be reassigned to a different ship”

“I assuming you are referring to the Enterprise’s mission on Nibiru. So tell me what happened”

“Surely you have already read the reports sir”

“I have read all the reports written by yourself, Jim and Commander Spock but I’m asking for your personal interpretation of what happened, not what was written”

“Upon surveillance of Nibiru Captain Kirk disobeyed Starfleet and ordered Commander Spock to create a device that would freeze the volcano and therefore preventing its eruption. While Captain Kirk and Dr McCoy lead the natives away from the volcano Commander Spock, Lieutenant Sulu and I flew one of the shuttles up to the volcano. The cable attached to Commander Spock’s suit snapped and the engines overheated resulting in Lieutenant Sulu and I having to abandon the shuttle. Due to my inability to swim Lieutenant Sulu had to keep a firm hold of me. After our arrival back on the Enterprise we managed to regain contact with Commander Spock who was still in the volcano at the time. After a lot of arguing back and forth eventually Captain Kirk ordered that the ship be manoeuvred into a position from where Commander Spock could be beamed aboard the ship safely which resulted in the native species seeing our ship”

“So you blame your brother for the almost death of your husband?”

“I believe that they both performed unprofessionally during this mission. I am relieved that the natives were successfully saved but not in the way the rescue was performed”

“Before I put your transfer request through I have a proposition for you from Admiral Marcus. Jim is to be demoted from his role as Captain of the USS Enterprise and Admiral Marcus wants you to fill his position”

“And what of Commander Spock, he is the First Officer after all”

“Commander Spock is to be transferred to the USS Banbury. He is still a First Officer just not onboard the Enterprise”

“Admiral, if I were to decline the offer then who else would be offered the position?”

“That would be myself and should that occur I would request that you become my First Officer”

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