Almost losing them

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek

Chapter 3: Almost losing them


Leila had now be on board the USS Enterprise for 3 months. She adapted to her new role as the senior communications officer eventually after getting used to having people report to her. At first she felt like she was demoting Lieutenant Uhara from her job but after talking with her Nyota convinced her that she was more qualified. Jim still hadn’t spoke with his twin about her time with Starfleet. Spock was starting to wonder if her ever would.

The Enterprise had been given an order by Starfleet to assist the Norrids. Their planet Norton had experienced an earthquake and it was up to the USS Enterprise to help the survivors.

“Achoo!” Jim sneezed loudly causing everyone on the bridge to turn and stare at him.

“What was that Jim?” Leila asked.

“I said and you” Jim lied. Spock and Leila glanced at each other both raising an eyebrow. Without saying a word they had both made a silent agree.

Leila pressed a button on her station that would put her through to Med bay, “Bones could you come up to the bridge please, Jim isn’t feeling well”

“I’m on my way” Bones replied.

“Erm excuse me, who said I wasn’t feeling well?” Jim asked spinning around in his chair to face them.

“Well captain generally when someone is experiencing sneezing it is a symptom of an illness” Spock explained.

“I already told you I’m not –achoo- ill” Jim replied with a scowled.

“Denial, one of the first signs of illness” Leila said.

“I already told you I am not ill!” Jim shouted.

“I think I’ll be the judge of that Jim as I am the Senior Medial Officer” Bones announced as he entered the bridge, “Now, what seems to be the problem?”

“The captain has sneezed twice in the last 3 minutes. I also observed him rubbing his chest as if he was in pain” Spock explained ignoring the glare from Leila due to the information that he had withheld from her.

“Sounds like a common cold to me. I hereby suspend you from leaving the Enterprise until you are fully recovered” Bones ordered Jim.

“No can do Bones. We should be approaching Norton soon and I need to lead a landing party to help rescue the survivors” Jim argued.

“Leila, Mr Spock, Scotty and I are more than capable of commanding the rescue parties. For now you are confined to the Enterprise, doctor’s orders” Bones replied sternly.

“Now see what you did” Jim snapped at Leila and Spock.

“Starfleet regulations state that if a First Officer feels that the health of the Captain is affecting his ability to command the ship that he can order a mandatory physical from the senior medical officer. Leila was operating under my orders” Spock replied surprising everyone that he was standing up for Leila.

“2 minutes to Norton” Sulu announced after a few seconds of silence.

“That’s our queue to go” Leila replied and the members of the bridge crew that were part of the landing parties made their way down to the transporter room.

*On Norton*

It didn’t take long for the landing parties to round up all the natives. Luckily there wasn’t any fatalities and only a few people were seriously injured. Just as the crew were about to beam back up to the Enterprise the Norton leader rushed over to the group.

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