Talking with Bones and Spock

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek

Chapter 2: Talking with Bones and Spock

Once the ship was out of sight Leila turned around to face the other officers.

“You don’t look too happy to see me Jim” she said to her brother, recognising the expression on his face.

“Bones will you take Commander Kirk for her mandatory physical and then have someone show her to her quarters. Commander Spock and I need to return to the bridge” Jim ordered. He refused to look at his sister and swiftly left the Cargo Hold with Spock following behind.

Bones could see the hurt in Leila’s eyes although she tried hard not to show it.

“It will get better Commander Kirk” he said doing his best to reassure her. “Jim is not known for holding a grudge for too long”

“He has held one for 10 years; I doubt he will stop now. And I would appreciate it if you called me Leila instead of Commander Kirk”

“Alright Com- Leila, if you would follow me to the medical bay”

**Med Bay**

“I’m afraid that Starfleet hasn’t forwarded your files yet so I am going to have to ask you a lot of questions before I start” Bones explained and gestured for Leila to sit on the bed.

“There is no need Dr McCoy, I have all my files here” Leila replied and handed over her medical and Starfleet files.

“Well you are certainly more prepared than all of my other patients”

“It was one of the things that I learnt throughout my years of travelling; always have your medical files with you in case of an emergency”

“I have to admit that I have never seen a blood type such as yours before and your DNA structure!”

“Is that your way of telling me that I am a freak?”  Leila teased him.

“Quite the opposite actually, I find it rather interesting” Bones smiled looking up from the notes, “I am still going to have to do a blood test I’m afraid”

“Go right ahead, I’ve been stabbed with needles so many times I feel like a pin cushion”

Bones chuckled at her joke and carefully drew the require amount of blood from her arm.

**25 minutes later**

“Well from what I can gather Leila you are as healthy as a horse” Dr McCoy said. He transferred the results into her medical file and put it safely in cabinet with all the other files.

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