Chapter 1: Reunion

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek

Chapter 1: Reunion

Leila’s POV

On the morning of my transfer to the USS Enterprise I woke up very early. I had already packed up all of my personal belongings the night before into my holdall. I know what you’re thinking; how on earth did she pack everything into one bag? Well the answer is very simple, I don’t own that much. Just a couple of casual wear outfits, my toiletries and a couple of momentums that I had received from different alien races during my years of travelling for Starfleet. I picked my bag up off of the floor and looked around the empty room. It has been mine for 10 years and I have never used it for more than 6 months at a time.  Shaking my head free of the memories and left the room and headed to the hanger to meet up with Admiral Pike.  I’ll admit that I was a bit nervous about seeing Jim again after 10 years of no contact. After our mother left us when we were 7 years old we became very close only to be torn apart again when I was taken away by Starfleet at age 15.  I could only imagine the pain he felt at being abandoned not once but twice.

“Commander Kirk, is everything alright?” Admiral Pike asked causing me to jump.

“Admiral Pike, I didn’t hear you approaching. I apologise, I was in deep thought; it won’t happen again”

“That is quite alright Leila. I assume you were thinking about Jim, am I correct?”

“You are sir”

“I’ve known you since the day you were born Leila, I know you better than you think I do.  There is no need to be nervous; he is your twin brother”

“A brother that I haven’t seen in 10 years. He has changed a lot since then; and so have I”

By now we had reached our shuttle and were preparing for takeoff.

“Systems clear for takeoff Admiral” I announced after checking the screen in front of me.

“Alright Commander, take her up”

“Me sir?”

“Yes you, you have observed the piloting of a shuttle before haven’t you?”

“Yes but-“

“You are more than capable of piloting the shuttle Leila, have faith in yourself”

“Alright Admiral” I relied taking a deep breath, “Starting takeoff procedures”

**25 minutes later**

“Leila, there is something I haven’t told you about the USS Enterprise” Admiral Pike announced.

“What is it sir?” I asked briefly glancing or to him.

“Commander Spock is the first officer on board”

“S-Spock, my old friend Spock? You wait until we are 5 minutes from boarding the Enterprise to tell me that my friend who has absolutely no recollection of me is the first officer on the star-ship along with my long lost brother? Well this day just keeps getting better and better!” I snapped, instantly regretting it.

“I would like to remind you Commander that I am an Admiral and that your use of tone is inappropriate”

“My apologises Admiral, I forgot my place”

“Leila you’re statement inaccurate; observations of Commander Spock have shown that he has slight memories of you but nothing extensive”

“In the unlikely event that he does show some recognition towards me, how should I handle it?”

“That is your choice Commander, my advice to you is that if Commander Spock were to find out about your past friendship it would be better coming from you”

Spock’s POV

“Captain, the shuttle containing Admiral Pike and the new Communication’s officer is approaching. ETA 2 minutes” I announced.

“Well we best head down to greet them shall ant we”

**Cargo hold**

I was surprised to see a young female officer pushing Admiral Pike’s wheelchair down the ramp. At first glance I felt a spark of recognition but I could not recollect where I have seen her before. Upon further observation I recognised similarities between the new recruit and Captain Kirk. They both had the same eye and hair colour but the unknown female was taller and more athletically built.

“Gentlemen allow me to introduce Commander Leila Kirk, your new Communications officer” Admiral Pike announced.

“Wait, did you just say Kirk?” Bones asked in surprise. I was unaware of his presence until that very moment.

“Captain, do you know this woman?”  I asked.

“She is my sister” Jim replied refusing to look at me.  His cold gaze held onto Commander Kirk.

“I’m more than just his sister, I am his twin” Commander Kirk said.

“You have a twin sister and failed to tell us?” Bones shouted accusingly like at Jim, “Why on earth would you keep something like that from us?”

“In all fairness Dr McCoy, in order to protect Leila Captain Kirk was made unaware of her location for 10 years” Admiral Pike explained.

“For her protection? Why on earth would she need protection?” Bones asked.

“I was born with a genetic mutation that gave me the power of mind control as well as advanced learning capabilities. Should the knowledge of my existence fall into the wrong hands it would put not only myself in danger but every planet in space. I was recruited by Starfleet when I was 15 in order to learn how to control my powers and use them to gain useful information.” Commander Kirk explained.

“The level of Commander Kirk’s ability to learn is extraordinary, completely unheard of until now. Starfleet assigned her a mission to visit many many different planets to learn about the culture and language of the natives by living with them and experiencing their everyday lives. This extensive knowledge that she has gained over the years is the reason why I had her assigned here on the Enterprise” Admiral Pike said putting a hand on her shoulder, “For now I must return to earth.  Leila, I will leave you in the capable hands of these fine officers”

“Thank you for everything Admiral Pike” Leila replied and briefly hugged him, “I wish you a safe flight home”

Admiral Pike manoeuvred his wheelchair back up the ramp but stopped at the top.

“Oh and Leila one more think” he announced, “Your father would be proud of you, you too Jim”

5 minutes later the shuttle was making its way towards Earth leaving Leila and the crew of the Enterprise behind.

Hey readers, please forgive me for the shortness of this chapter but I am not feeling my best and really wanted to get this chapter up as well.  I will try to make the next one longer

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