Captive (Part 2)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek

Chapter 5: Captive (Part 2)


It has been 3 months since the incident with Gonzo. I have recovered mostly from my near-death experience. For the first few weeks Bones followed me around constantly checking up on me until I eventually told him to leave me alone. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate his concern for me but constantly assessing my condition was getting on my nerves. I am starting to regret that decision. In the last 2 weeks I have been feeling rather ill. At first I thought it was a 24 hour stomach bug but my symptoms haven’t stopped. I finally decided that I would go and see Bones today. I know that he will be fuming that I waited this long to go see him but to be honest I don’t care.  

I was so busy thinking that I accidently walked into someone. I started falling backwards but the person caught me before I hit the ground.

“Are you alright Leila?”

Looking up I realised for the first time that I had walked into Spock. He set me back on my feet but did not remove his hands from my waist as if he was anticipating that would fall again.

“Spock, I’m so sorry. I was too busy thinking to pay attention to where I was going”

“Leila I am concerned about your health, you are not looking very well”

“I’m not; I was actually on my way to Med Bay”

“Then I will escort you there”

I went to reply but an announcement over the com-system interrupted me.

“Commanders Spock and Kirk to the bridge”

“You head down to Med Bay; I will inform the Captain as to your location”

“Thanks Spock, I’ll let you know what Bones says”

** In the Med Bay**

I was spotted by Bones the minute I walked into Med Bay.

“Leila, I thought you had gone to the bridge”

“No I came here instead; I’ve not been feeling great for the last few weeks”

“A few weeks?! Leila why didn’t you come see me sooner!”

“I thought that it would pass Bones but it hasn’t”

Bones sighed and gestured for to take a seat on the examination table which I did.

“What symptoms have you been experiencing?” he asked while writing something down on his clipboard.

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