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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek


*1 year later*

Leila's POV

"There will always be those who mean to do us harm. To stop them we risk awakening the same evil in ourselves. Our first instinct is to seek revenge when those we love are taken from us but that's not who we are. We are here today to rechristen the USS Enterprise and to honour those who lost their lives nearly 1 year ago. When Christopher Pike first gave me his ship he had me recite the Captain's oath, words I didn't appreciate at the time. Now I see them as a call for us to remember who we once were and who we must be again and those words...

Space the final frontier; these are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Her 5 year mission, to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new lives and new civilizations, to go whether no one has gone before"

 Once the ceremony was finished I went to collect Amanda from my mother. After everything that happened Jim and I decided that we wanted to give her another chance. We already lost our father when we were only minutes old and life is too short to hold a grudge against your family. 5 years is a long time to be away from your family especially for a mother. That's why Amanda would be spending her time split between on the Enterprise with Spock and I and on Earth and New Vulcan with her grandparents.

After picking up Amanda I made my way back to the square where I knew Spock and Jim were waiting. As we got closer I could see that they weren't aware of our presence yet. I set Amanda down on her feet and took a hold of her hand.  Jim didn't know she was walking yet.

"Go get Uncle J" I whispered to her and gave her an encouraging tap on her padded bottom. Within seconds she was off and started waddling towards Jim. I could see Spock smile over Jim's shoulder but Jim still didn't notice her until she grabbed his leg.

"Well hello there" he smiled as he bent down to pick her up, "Now how did you get all the way over here?"

"She walked Jim, what did you think she did?" I asked him sarcastically.

Standing next to Spock he wrapped his arm around my waist while we watched Jim and Amanda chatter with each other. Amanda can only say a few words right now but it still doesn't stop her from blabbering away with Jim. It's times like this that I am going to miss on our 5 year exploration. It is times like these that we all live, breathe and die for.

Well that officially the end of the story. I forgot to mention in the last chapter that Amanda is named after Spock's mother. Quite a few people have already requested a sequel. I didn't originally plan to write a sequel but I might try and write one about Amanda's time at Starfleet. I leave for Camp America on Friday so I can't guarantee that it will be written any time soon   

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