Chapter 6: A change to their relationship

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek

Chapter 6: A change to their relationship

(Another big time gap but if you want to get to the good part quicker then you’ll go along with it)

Quite a short chapter but there is a major change for Spock and Leila

It has been 4 and half months now since we discovered that I was pregnant. Once I started really showing there were a lot of rumours flying about the ship but Spock and I had quickly dismissed them. Another big change, besides the size of my belly, was the fact that Spock and I now share a room. The pregnancy had been difficult for me especially first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Spock personally asked Jim if the two of us could share a room in order for him to help me when I need it most and Jim agreed.


 “Mummy I’m hungry” my 5 year old self asked.

“Not now!”

“But mummy I’m hungry!”


My mother turned around and it wasn’t my mum, it was me.

I woke up screaming in Spock’s arm.

“Leila calm down, it was only a dream”

“It felt so real, what if comes true?”

“You are not your mother Leila”

“I know that but statistically people take after their own parents, so that means that I more than likely going to abandon our child at some point in their life”

“I don’t believe that for one second” Spock replied. He leaned n to kiss me but a beep from the computer interrupted us. Spock got up from the bed to open the email and frowned as he read it.

“Is something wrong? You’re frowning” I asked sitting up.

“It is from my father, the Vulcan council requires our attendance at a meeting on New Vulcan”

“Both of us? What for?”

“My father didn’t say, only that it was urgent”

“Perhaps we should talk with Jim”

“Yes but not right now, let’s wait until it is not 3 in the morning”

Nodding my head I lay back down. Seconds later the covers were lifted and Spock climbed in beside me wrapping one arm around my belly. Minutes later we were both asleep.

** Few weeks later**

Surprisingly it didn’t take much to convince Jim to allow the both of us to visit New Vulcan. Considering I was now 8 months into my pregnancy it wasn’t safe for me to travel by transporter so we had to use one of the ship’s shuttles. As we got closer and closer to New Vulcan the more nervous I got. I tried to hide it from Spock but there is no fooling him.

“No matter what happens here I’ll stand by you” he reassured me.

“I’m scared Spock, who knows what they’ll say or do”

“You’re my mate Leila and you are carrying our child, there is nothing that the Vulcan council can do to change that”  

“I hope you’re right”


When we arrived on New Vulcan Ambassador Sarek was waiting for us.

“Father” Spock greeted him.

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