Chapter 7: Baby it's hot outside

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek

Chapter 7: Baby it’s hot outside

Leila’s POV

A few days after our return to the Enterprise we got orders from Starfleet to survey a class M planet called Nibiru. The planet is centuries behind Earth in terms of development. The indigenous species are one that I have never come across before with a very complex language. So far our orders from Starfleet have been to keep our distance from the planet and not to let them see us. There was only so much data we could gather about the planet without actually beaming down but those were our orders from Starfleet and we were following them. Or so I thought.


“What info have we gathered about the planet?” Jim asked Spock and I.

“That planet is densely populated by an unknown species. They have shown no sign of modern technology of any kind” I explained.

“Anything else?”

“Our scanners picked up an active volcano situated in the middle of the planet. Should it erupt, which our scanners indicate it will, it will destroy the whole planet” Spock said.

“Then we’ll just have to find a way to stop it won’t we” Jim replied.

“Captain, a volcanic eruption is a naturally occurring disaster” Spock said.

“Are you saying that you can’t create advice that would stop the Volcano from erupting?” Jim asked.

“No, but to do so would violate our orders from Starfleet”

“Not a problem, I’ll take the blame”

“Jim even if Spock did make a device the inhabitants all reside at the bottom of that volcano. We would need to find some way to draw them away from it in order to avoid detection” I said.

“Bones and I will create a distraction while the two of you along with Helmsman Sulu will fly a shuttle up to the volcano to stop it from erupting, its fool proof!”

“But Jim-” I started to say before he interrupted me.

“No buts, I am the Captain and I expect you to follow my orders to the letter” Jim said before walking away.

“I hate it when he pulls rank, he always does it when he isn’t listening to us” I sighed.

“That is true but he is right when he says that he is the Captain and that we must follow his orders” Spock replied before giving me a Vulcan kiss and leaving to start making his device.

**The next morning**

During the middle of the night Jim ordered the ship to flown into the planet’s atmosphere. The cover of darkness allowed us to submerge the Enterprise under the ocean without being seen. Jim and Bones left 30 minutes ago to create a distraction that will lead the habitants away from the volcano. What they’ve got planned I’ll never know.  Currently I am in shuttle 1 with Spock and Sulu making our way up to the volcano. Spock was struggling to get the protective suit on himself so I was helping him.

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