The truth about Harrison

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek

Chapter 10: The truth about Harrison

Leila's POV

Before I knew it time had jumped and I wasn't even aware that I had even fallen asleep. Swiftly I made my way to the bridge eager to find out they discovered about John Harrison. As I entered I immediately noticed Jim talking with Bones and Doctor Wallace and it looked anything but friendly banter.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked Spock as I took a seat at my station gesturing to the conversation across the room.

"John Harrison has manipulated Jim into ordering an examination of the 72 torpedoes.  Since Doctor Marcus is a weapons specialist she will be carrying out the assessment along with Doctor McCoy"

"Wait, I thought her name was Carol Wallace"

"Wallace is the name of her mother, Admiral Marcus is her father"

"In all the years I've known him he never once mentioned a daughter"

We both turned as Jim started to approach us

"Doctors Marcus and McCoy left a few minutes ago for the nearby planetoid. Leila did you contact Starfleet and let them know that we have Harrison in custody?"

"Yes Jim but there has been no response yet"

"Engineering to Bridge, Come in Captain"

"Yes Mr Chekov, what is it?" Jim asked.

"We've found the leak sir but the damage is substantial. We are working on it"

"Do you have any idea what caused it?"

"No sir but I accept full responsibility"

"Something tells me it wasn't your fault"

"Well you've had a change of heart, not that long ago you were shouting at the poor kid for breaking your ship" I teased Jim.

"Shut up Leila" he replied earning a few chuckles from various members of the crew. I was smirking myself with soon changed to a wince as I felt an incredible pain in my back.

"Are you alright Leila?" Spock asked me.

"I'm fine, just some pain in my back that's all" I replied as I rubbed my lower back hoping to ease the pain slightly. Spock met my eyes for a second before doing something that I did not expect. Carefully he leaned over rubbed gentle circles on my bump earning a kick from our baby.

"According to Doctor McCoy back pain could be an early sign of labour. This is why I did not agree with Admiral Marcus authorising for you to come on this mission. It may well be that the child will start to make its appearance before we reach Earth. For all we know you could be in labour at the moment"

"I'm pretty sure that I'm not in labour at this very moment. We can't control when I will go into labour and if it is on the Enterprise then we'll just have to deal with. Most first time pregnancies take a long time anyway"

"I just do not like the thought of either of you being put in harm's way"

"I know you do but that is the life we lead through the job we do"

Our conversation was interrupted by a transmition from Doctor McCoy and Doctor Marcus who had now safely landed on the planetoid and were getting the torpedo into position.

"Bones, thanks for helping out. Doctor Marcus asked for the steadiest hands on the ship" Jim said.

"When I dreamt of being stuck on a deserted planet with a gorgeous woman there was no torpedo"

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