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"thalia romanoff."

When Thalia finally made it to the graveyard, she started making her way to a certain super soldier who was leaning against a tree awaiting the Romanoff's arrival

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When Thalia finally made it to the graveyard, she started making her way to a certain super soldier who was leaning against a tree awaiting the Romanoff's arrival.

"Hey, are you ready?" Questioned Bucky, approaching the blonde.

"As I'll ever be, come on, I'm already late as it is," Thalia pursed her lips, making her way to where a group of people grouped together. Thalia made sure to stay away from a good distance from the group.

"Do you want me to wait here with you?" Bucky asked in a low whisper, not wanting the others to overhear.

Thalia just shook her head, "No, no. You go on, I'll be okay." She gave him a reassuring smile and patted his arm.

Bucky gave Thalia a hesitant look before he nodded and left her as the ceremony started.

"Now would anyone like to come up here and say a few words?"

The archer, or more commonly known as Clint Barton, stepped up and started a speech. "Natasha Romanoff was many things. A friend, a fighter, a sister. She was my best friend, my rock, my everything. Some might say she didn't deserve to live an amazing life as she did because of her past, but I thought otherwise. Nat- Nat was everything we all weren't. She was always there for each of us, making sure we made it through rough times. And sure she might have come off as defensive but once you got through that layer, she was all soft and cuddly. Some people might've given up on her and chose not to stand by her side, I'd like those people to know that she didn't need them, that she could get through everything with our support."

From Steve's side, Bucky saw the way Clint's eyes drifted towards Thalia at the last part. He clenched his jaw and saw the woman walking away. Bucky didn't even spare Steve a glance and left his side to go talk to the assassin.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Bucky hissed underneath his breath, "This is your sister's funeral, Thalia. The least you could do is give her a proper goodbye." He said as he caught her arm.

"No, James, I know when I'm not wanted." Thalia tugged her arm out of his grip and lifted her sunglasses above her head, causing Bucky to see the tears building up in the corner of her eyes.

"Oh, Lia. You shouldn't care what Barton said. Tell me, do you want your sister to know you cared for her? Hmm? To know that you had the courage to come here today? Look..." Bucky sighed, "You don't have to talk to anyone, I'll stay by your side. Just- just stay till the end. You at least owe her that."

Thalia bit the inside of her cheek and sighed knowing he was right. Bucky grabbed the blonde's hand and walked her back to the group.

As the ceremony was coming to an end, people started taking glances at the mysterious stoic blonde. "Now, everyone will have the chance to say goodbye, if there are any blood relatives please wait at the end of the line."

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