26. ᴛʜᴇ ғɪɢʜᴛ

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"let's tango, bitch"

When Bucky and Thalia arrived at their destination, they saw that the trucks had already stopped and that Karli and her followers had knocked out the guards

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When Bucky and Thalia arrived at their destination, they saw that the trucks had already stopped and that Karli and her followers had knocked out the guards.

They both jumped off their motorcycle's as they reached the trucks. Bucky flew directly at one of the Flag Smashers and Thalia flipped and landed on her feet in front of a woman, "Let's tango, bitch", Thalia said and charged at the woman.

Thalia kicked her in the face bed she kicked her stomach making the woman stumble back. Thalia then punched her in the stomach with her knee. The woman grunted in pain but suddenly one of the trucks was set on fire.

Thalia was distracted for a moment that she didn't see the punch coming her way. It made her stumble back but she tackled the woman down before running off towards the truck where Bucky was trying to pry open the door.

"Let me help", was all Thalia said before she grabbed onto the door as well and brought off all her strength as she started to pull with him.

"Morganthau!", John Walker's voice echoed loudly down the road as he neared but neither assassin turned their attention away from the task at hand.

They both let out a scream as they yanked one last time, breaking the doors open. The people started to quickly climb out of the trucks and run away. "Go! Go!", the two ushered the people out of the truck.

One of the men stopped and shook Bucky's hand, "Thank you, for saving us." Bucky stayed still for a bit in shock while Thalia was smiling widely. "You're welcome", Bucky muttered to the man even though he was long gone.

"Well done, darling", Thalia said proudly with a smile as she put her hand on his shoulder, he looked down at her and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

They then turned towards the Flag Smashers again who were preoccupied with beating up John. They ran to help, Bucky punched the man off of Walker and started to fight him. Thalia quickly approached the others as she grabbed one of them by the back of their shirt and threw them against a stone pillar.

Karli then swung a parking meter at Thalia which threw her into Bucky, which sent them both over the edge of the metal framework. The two screamed as they fell in the air and landed roughly on the ground and looked up to where they had just fought Karli.

Suddenly one Flag Smasher jumped after them and tried to hit Bucky with a big metal bar. Bucky blocked the attack and punched the man into his face which made him fall to the ground.

They turned back to the edge off the construction site as the other truck broke through the barrier and now dangled over the edge dangerously.

The truck slipped more and more down, Thalia's eyes widened as she looked at Bucky, "Um-, okay, look, I know that I have had some insane ideas in the past but if we could position ourselves correctly then I have no doubt we could catch it", Thalia told him.

"Yeah, I know but if we position ourselves wrong then not only will the people in the truck die but so will we", Bucky shot back as they both looked back at the truck that slipped further forward.

Suddenly the truck was slowly pulled back, Thalia furrowed her eyebrows as a Captain America shield fell at her feet, but it wasn't the real one. John, Karli, and two others suddenly fell and landed in front of Bucky and Thalia as the truck no resumed slipping forward.

The truck was about to fall and Thalia and Bucky looked at each other and ran into position, but suddenly Sam or Captain America flew in front of the truck and pushed it back into the framework with the help from mini redwings.

Bucky and Thalia went to stand next to John as they all could hear the people cheering and shouting as Sam was still helping the truck.

Thalia had a large proud smirk on her face as she clapped for Sam, all of a sudden Karli threw a metal pipe at her, she didn't see it seeing as she was distracted. Bucky quickly caught it before it could impale her.

He turned to face Karli with his head tilted and a dark look on his face. Sam threw his shield at the Flag Smashers making them fall to the ground before he landed in front of Thalia and Bucky.

Karli removed her mask as she stood, looking at Sam with betrayal and disgust, "You of all people bought into that bullshit?"

"I'm trying something different. Maybe you should do the same", Sam calmly responded to her.

Explosions went off around them as small bombs dropped by their feet, smoke filling the air. Thalia's eyes darted around, losing her sight in the foggy clouds.

"This way", Sam instructed Thalia, Bucky, and John to follow after him in a run. They went into a building and down into what almost looked like a basement and into a tunnel. They turned the corner and continued down the hallway.

"Hey Sharon, we're underground", Bucky spoke into his earpiece as they continued walking. "We entered the tunnel on William. Heading south", Thalia informed her as she looked at the various objects covered with tar-pooling sheets.

"Looks like they split up, here", Sam said as they stopped and John took off to the left and Thalia looked at Sam. "We got it", she said quickly nodding towards Sam and rushing after John with Bucky behind her.

They rushed into a room spotting nobody, they checked the sides but got nothing. They took off towards another tunnel and Thalia stopped, "Guys, why don't we check the app?", she said and looked at Bucky so he could check.

He searched his pocket and pulled out the phone and gave it to Thalia, "Here", he said. They walked down the tunnel as Thalia typed in the app "Meet us here, NE corner", she walked out of the building the boys followed her.

She called the police as backup and gave the phone back to Bucky. They walked towards the destination to meet the Flag Smashers in silence.

"The app says it's this way, let's go", Thalia heard faintly making her smirk and nod towards the boys letting them know that the others were there.

They walked out from the side standing in front of the three, "Mercy bears richer fruit than strict justice", John quoted and looked at them as Bucky shakes his head and also smirks at them.

"It's a great app, I rate five stars", Bucky said holding up the phone towards them as the Flag Smashers looked at the trio in disbelief.

The officers started handcuffing each of them and Thalia stepped forward, "Look, it's nothing personal, really. If it's worth anything, y'all fought valiantly. Toodles", she laughed and wiggled her fingers at them and walked off towards the boys.

They walked towards the ambulances and Bucky grabbed a kit and cleaned Thalia's forehead, "Buck, in fine", she said to him. He just rolled his eyes, "Just, shut up", he said and continued cleaning the blood and dirt.

A/N: well, everyone since we're coming close to the end should I end up doing a sequel about the events after this or would you want a prequel about Lia's time in the Red Room and Hydra?

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A/N: well, everyone since we're coming close to the end should I end up doing a sequel about the events after this or would you want a prequel about Lia's time in the Red Room and Hydra?

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