19. ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴏғ ᴛᴡᴏ

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"oh my god"

The three were walking around Latvia and Sam suddenly asked a question he's been wanting to know for a while, "So, how long have you both known each other?"

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The three were walking around Latvia and Sam suddenly asked a question he's been wanting to know for a while, "So, how long have you both known each other?"

"Too long", Thalia said as she tied her hair into a bun.

"What she said", Bucky chuckled as he said this, and looked at Thalia.

Sam's phone rang, he picked it up and started talking with the person on the other side, "She said what? Okay, listen, pack an overnight bag and take the boys", he said.

"What happened, Sam?", Thalia questioned with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Karli called Sarah. She threatened my nephews", he said before putting the phone back to his ear, "Okay, go somewhere safe. Only pay cash, alright? Let me know when you get there. I know. Look, I love you. I'll never let anything happen to you or the boys, you know that. Okay, bye."

Sam hung up the call and glanced at Bucky and Thalia, "Karli wants to meet, she left a contact number", he explained.

"She said come alone", Sam spoke again as he looked at the message he just got.

"We're coming with you", Bucky replied almost immediately and Thalia nodded in agreement.


Once they all changed into their suits, they headed to where Karli was supposedly at.

"Karli!", Sam shouts, standing in the middle of the space amongst the building. Karli leaned over the balcony showing herself to them.

"You called my sister? That's how we're gonna play this?", he said angrily looking at her while Bucky and Thalia stayed at the back.

"Sam, I would never hurt her. I wanted you to understand better", she told him as she leaned against the railing.

She looked at Bucky and Thalia, "I see you, um, didn't come alone", she said as she pushed herself off the stone.

"Yeah, well, we wouldn't exactly let him, sweetheart", Thalia said sarcastically as Bucky jabbed her as a sign to stay quiet.

"You have to end this now", Sam told her.

"I don't wanna hurt you. You're just a tool in the regimes I'm looking to destroy. You're not hiding behind a shield. If I were to kill you it would be meaningless. I was gonna ask you to join me. Or do the world a favor and let me go."

Sam and Karli stood looking at each other for a moment before Sam's head snapped in the direction of the assassins, "It's Walker."

As he said that Thalia and Bucky jumped over the railing. Thalia landed gracefully as Karli smacked Bucky into the pillar. Thalia quickly picked up a rock and threw it a her mask successfully knocking it off but Karli was quick enough to fix it.

As Sam started to fight her Thalia went to go help Bucky, "Get your ass up, James", Bucky groaned as he got up.

"I'll send you the location. Go!", Sam screamed at them before he kicked Karli in the stomach and flew into the air.

They split up, Bucky and Thalia running through the streets while Sam flew.


When Thalia and Bucky got there they immediately ran up the staircase but was stopped by a man who threw Thalia over the railing of the stairs and fought Bucky.

"You son of a bitch!", she yelled as she slowly picked up her aching body off the ground. When she got back to where Bucky was, she saw him throw the guy into a wall.

"Stay there", Bucky said looking down at the unconscious man making Thalia snicker and he turned to her.

They both heard commotion on the top floor so they both ran off. Thalia tripped going up the stairs making Bucky snicker this time.

When they finally reached the area Bucky caught a dagger before it hits Thalia's face and gave the man who threw it an intense glare. She nodded at him and they both ran to fight different opponents.

Thalia saw a man running towards her and quickly ran up to him and jumped up, wrapping her legs around his head and flipped around twisting his head, then landed in a crouch position. She sighed then used her gun to shoot another soldier and hitting her thigh.

The woman cried out in pain and Thalia ran up to him, kicking her in the neck and knocking her unconscious, as the body hit the ground Thalia huffed in satisfaction.

She spotted another one running towards her, she ran towards him ramming her knee into his abdomen, then brought his head down to her knee and dropped him.

She saw Lemar come out of nowhere and ram into Karli as they both fall on the ground. They both quickly got up and Karli shouted as she threw a punch at him, making him fly towards a pillar and he hits it then moves a little before his head falls to the side. Dead.

Thalia rushed forwards checking on Bucky and Sam to see if they got injured, they both shook their head. She then looked at Lemar. It looked as if everything were in slow motion, she saw John look at Lemar.

He crouched down meeting Lemar who was unresponsive making Thalia look at Bucky as he looked down at her. "Hey, hey, hey", she heard John say trying to get Lemar to wake up but fails. "Lemar, Lemar", he said moving his face.

Karli took off her mask and looked at the man on the ground in shock before she left. Thalia, Sam, and Bucky immediately snapped back into reality and followed the young girl but they lost her, again.

Sharon informed Sam of Walker's coordinates but when they arrived they witnessed something horrible, John stood above a dead Flag Smasher, blood all over his shield.

Thalia stood in between Sam and Bucky as she looked shocked at the scene right in front of her, "Oh my god."

"John Walker is fucked", she said as she spotted the crowd with their phones out and recording.

A/N: I literally cannot put it into words how much I appreciate you guys reading this, I thought that it was gonna fail as a fanfic but it has gotten quite a bit of reads and for that I am thankful, also did anyone else start to like Lemar then go...

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A/N: I literally cannot put it into words how much I appreciate you guys reading this, I thought that it was gonna fail as a fanfic but it has gotten quite a bit of reads and for that I am thankful, also did anyone else start to like Lemar then got sad when he got killed

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