8. ᴀʀʀᴇsᴛᴇᴅ

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"no, I'm pretty sure they're 2"

Sam and Thalia sat in the lobby for at least two hours now, the sun had already gone down when Dr

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Sam and Thalia sat in the lobby for at least two hours now, the sun had already gone down when Dr. Raynor walked in. "Sam, I've heard a lot about you", she smiled and greeted the man.

"I'm Dr. Raynor. I'm James' therapist", she shook Sam's hand then Thalia. "So nice to meet you", Sam told her smiling lightly.

"Thank you for getting him out. Oh, I'm Thalia", Thalia sighed. "That was not me", the therapist answered her. At that moment they heard a voice from the entrance, "CHRISTINA!"

Thalia looked to her right and saw Walker waving at them, she immediately rolled her eyes and laid her head back while she sighed deeply. This guy was everywhere, "For fucks sake."

"Good to see you again. It's great to see you again", he exclaimed as he approached the group.

"You gotta be kidding me. You know him?", Sam asked her annoyed. "Yeah, we did some field ops back in the day", the woman answered him quickly as they watched Walker.

"I heard you were working with Bucky, so I thought I'd step in. Bucky's not gonna be following a strict schedule any longer", Walker informed the therapist as he stood beside Thalia.

"We haven't finished our work. Who authorized this?", the woman asked him.

He smugly points to himself, Thalia turned to go sit down wanting to be as far from that conversation as she can but she saw the doors open and Bucky walks through them. With a smile on her face, she walks towards him.

"Hey, are you okay?", she asked as she put his metal hand in hers.

"Yeah, you?", Bucky asked and she nodded, she was about to say something but got interrupted.

"Got some unfinished business, him and I. You too, Wilson, and you I still don't know your name. I'll be outside", Walker said as he walked out.

"James, condition of your release, session now! You too, Sam, Thalia.", Dr. Raynor told the three.

Sam and Thalia exchanged an annoyed look, "That's okay. We'll be out here with-", Sam wanted to say but the woman interrupted him.

"That wasn't a request!"

The two sighed deeply as they slowly followed her into the next free room. Bucky and Sam sat next to each other as Dr. Raynor instructed Thalia to sit beside her.

"So- who would like to start?"

Sam looked at her, "All right, look, Dr. Raynor? I get it, why you want me to talk to Freaky Magoo over here. But I'm 100% fine", he assured her.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 - bucky barnesWhere stories live. Discover now